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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #naturalism

Things that look like they were designed, probably were... If intelligence is an operative component of the universe, a science that methodologically excludes its existence will be susceptible to being trapped in an endless chase for materialistic causes that do not exist... Where there are sufficient grounds for inferring intelligent causation, based on evidence of "specified complexity," it should be considered as a component of scientific theories. Inclusion of intelligent causation in the scientific equation is not novel and has not impeded the practice of science in the past, e.g. Newton and Kepler, in an age when science was not constrained by a philosophical materialism, and by many current scientists who have remained open to following the evidence where it leads.

Donald L. Ewert

#id #intelligent-design #kepler #materialism #naturalism

It is either coincidence piled on top of coincidence," said Hollus, "or it is deliberate design.

Robert J. Sawyer

#chance #coincidenc-e #fine-tuning #id #intelligent-design

My foregrounds are imaginary, my backgrounds real.

Gustave Flaubert

#realism #writing #nature

Will be but corpses dressed in frocks, who cannot speak to birds or rocks.

Gary Snyder

#naturalism #poetry #spirituality #nature

Nevertheless, he had, on a certain star-lit evening, said wonderingly and quite reverently: "Deh moon looks like hell, don't it?

Stephen Crane

#humor #naturalism #nature

Bet vai tu zini par manu bērnību? Vai tu zini, cik man bija sliktas mājas un cik daudz ļauna es tur dabūju iemācīties? Šķiet, ka tas nāk līdzi mantojumā, no citiem augumiem, bet no kā? No pirmā auguma, tā bija rakstīts bērnu grāmatās, un liekas, ka piepildās... Tāpēc nevaino mani, tad es savukārt nevainošu savus vecākus, kuri varētu vainot savējos un tā joprojām!

August Strindberg

#naturalism #original-sin #pelican #villains #nature

When things are in order, if the cause of the orderliness cannot be deduced from the motion of the elements or from the composition of matter, it is quite possibly a cause possessing a mind.

Johannes Kepler

#cause #id #intelligent-design #kepler #naturalism

Evolutionary naturalism takes the inherent limitations of science and turns them into a devastating philosophical weapon: because science is our only real way of knowing anything, what science cannot know cannot be real.

Phillip E. Johnson

#be real #because #cannot #devastating #evolutionary

Another important historical factor is the fact that this already very simple religion was further simplified and purified by the early philosophers of ancient China. Our first great philosopher was a founder of naturalism; and our second great philosopher was an agnostic.

Hu Shih

#already #ancient #another #china #early

Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and every where, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could arise from nothing but the ideas and will of a Being, necessarily existing.

Isaac Newton

#evolution #id #intelligent-design #macroevolution #naturalism

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