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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #overwhelm

Nationally, overwhelmingly non-white schools receive $1,000 less per pupil than overwhelmingly white schools.

Jonathan Kozol

#nationally #overwhelmingly #per #pupil #receive

In fact, corporate and union moneys go overwhelmingly to incumbents, so limiting that money, as Congress did in the campaign finance law, may be the single most self-denying thing that Congress has ever done.

Elena Kagan

#campaign finance #congress #corporate #did #done

Every relationship I've been in, I've overwhelmed the girl. They just can't handle all the love.

Justin Timberlake

#been #every #girl #handle #i

The world is big in some ways, and so small in others.

Ashly Lorenzana

#overwhelming #randomness #universe #world #life

In America and in most of the industrialized world, men are coming to be thought of by feminists in very much the same way that Jews were thought of by early Nazis. The comparison is overwhelmingly scary.

Warren Farrell

#coming #comparison #early #feminists #industrialized

Let me close as I did in Gander on September 11, 2002 when I went to that community to thank the people of Gander and the people of Canada for the overwhelming support and help that was given to us in the wake of those attacks on September 11, 2001.

Paul Cellucci

#canada #close #community #did #gander

German businessmen are overwhelmed by the high cost of doing business. Inflexible rules, enforced by a burgeoning bureaucracy, discourage entrepreneurship.

Suzanne Fields

#burgeoning #business #businessmen #cost #discourage

You get elected, often, if you're a woman, on the strength of the women's vote; then you get into office, and you have to adapt to an overwhelmingly male environment.

Eleanor Clift

#elected #environment #get #into #male

They are few in the midst of an overwhelming mass of brute force, and their submission is wisdom; but for a nation like England to submit to be robbed by any invader who chooses to visit her shores seemed to me to be nonsense.

George Combe

#brute #brute force #chooses #england #few

The overwhelming triumph of the international multimedia conglomerate has resulted in less diversity within the field and has made it much harder for newer writers not only to break in, but to make any kind of a living while doing so.

Alan Dean Foster

#break #conglomerate #diversity #doing #field

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