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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #paper

In an age of infinite digital documentation, paper was the last safe place for secrets.

Evan Angler

#secrets #technology #age

I want to write a poem about "Truth," "Honor," "Dignity," and whether the toilet paper should roll over or under when you pull on it.

Jarod Kintz

#honor #life #poem #toilet-paper #truth

A Yale University management professor in response to student Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service: The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C', the idea must be feasible.

Frederick W. Smith

#concept #delivery #earn #feasible #fred

The first treatise on the interior of the body, which is to say, the treatise that gave the body an interior , written by Henri De Mondeville in the fourteenth century, argues that the body is a house, the house of the soul, which like any house can only be maintained as such by constant surveillance of its openings. The woman’s body is seen as an inadequate enclosure because its boundaries are convoluted. While it is made of the same material as a man’s body, it has ben turned inside out. Her house has been disordered, leaving its walls full of openings. Consequently, she must always occupy a second house, a building to protect her soul. Gradually this sense of vulnerability to the exterior was extended to all bodies which were then subjected to a kind of supervision traditionally given to the woman. The classical argument about her lack of self-control had been generalized.

Mark Wigley

#feminism #paper #architecture

Creating is living doubly. The groping, anxious quest of a Proust, his meticulous collecting of flowers, of wallpapers, and of anxieties, signifies nothing else.

Albert Camus

#art #creating #flowers #marcel-proust #wallpaper

As I've explained to my wife many times, you have to kill your wife or mistress to get on the front page of the papers.

Julian Barnes

#front #get #i #kill #many

It answers the question that was tormenting you: my love, you are not 'one thing in my life' - not even the most important - because my life no longer belongs to me are always me.

Jean-Paul Sartre

#love #personal-papers #life

The Press is the living jury of the Nation." James Gordon Bennett, editor of the New York Herald in 1841

Daniel Stashower


The very idea of massified advertising meant that large cirulation newpapers were not in the business of selling information to people but rather of selling the attention of their readers to commercial concerns... to tap into the resorvoir of resources constitutred by the growing urban populations

Manuel De Landa

#advertisements #newspapers #selling-out #business

I would tell young journalists to be brave and go against the tide. When everyone else is relying on the internet, you should not; when nobody's walking, you should walk; when few people are reading profound books, you should read. ... rather than seeking a plusher life you should pursue some hardship. Eat simple food. When everyone's going for quick results, pursue things of lasting value. Don't follow the crowd; go in the opposite direction. If others are fast, be slow. -- Jin Yongquan

Judy Polumbaum

#efficacy #ethics #journalism #journalists #media

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