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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #personality

Is she always like this?" "No, usually worse.

Steve Voake

#personality #humor

Jenny couldn't believe herself a multiple. She was a mother, a nurse, not that screwball who appeared on the screen like some dysfunctional figment of her imagination trying to find a life. Still, she was coming to a realization that accepting who she was would be the jailer's key to liberate her from this cuckoo's nest.

Judy Byington

#dissociative-identity-diroder #mpd #multiplicity #multipple-personality-disorder #trauma-experiences

I was increasingly both horrified and sceptical about these memories - I had no recall of these things at all, though I couldn't imagine why I'd want to make it all up either. It felt as though it had all happened to somebody else, I was not there - it wasn't me - when those people did nasty things. But then, of course, it didn't feel like me, that's the whole point of dissociation - to create distance between the victim and her experience of the abuse. The alters were created for just that purpose: so that I'd not be aware that it happened to me, but rather to "others". The trouble is, in reality it was my body that took the abuse. It was only my mind that was divided, and sooner or later the amnesic barriers were bound to come down. And that's exactly what had begun to happen as I heard their stories. They triggered a vague and growing sense in me that this really is my story.

Carolyn Bramhall

#amnesia #amnesiac #childhood-abuse #dissociation #dissociative-identity-disorder

The bones and flesh and legal statistics are the garments worn by the personality, not the other way around.

Robert M. Pirsig


I used to think that finding the right one was about the man having a list of certain qualities. If he has them, we'd be compatible and happy. Sort of a checkmark system that was a complete failure. But I found out that a healthy relationship isn't so much about sense of humor or intelligence or attractive. It's about avoiding partners with harmful traits and personality types. And then it's about being with a good person. A good person on his own, and a good person with you. Where the space between you feels uncomplicated and happy. A good relationship is where things just work. They work because, whatever the list of qualities, whatever the reason, you happen to be really, really good together.

Deb Caletti

#checkmark #compatible #good #happy #harmful

So it seems as though this part of us that is living a life on Earth is only a small piece or splinter of a much larger us. That we are many rather than one, or rather pieces of a more complex whole. We are only able to focus on the splinter we perceive as our totality. That is a good thing, because if we were aware of the complexity of it we would not be able to function in this world or reality. We are only able to see the facade that masks a much larger picture. Only now are we being allowed to peek behind the veil.

Dolores Cannon

#personality #life

Viata nu inseamna a avea,ci a fi.

Nick Vujicic

#personality #life

There's a whole category of people who miss out by not allowing themselves to be weird enough.

Alain de Botton

#life #personality #weirdness #life

...I still cannot tap on your walls and discover by the hollow or firm sounds which of your walls are merely decorative, and which ones hold everything up.

Philip J. Hilts

#memory #personality #understanding-others #nature

She was the sort of person for whom fear was the natural response to that beyond explanation.

Kate Morton

#inexplicable #personality #nature

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