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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #proud

I am proud to be an American. Because an American can eat anything on the face of this earth as long as he has two pieces of bread.

Bill Cosby

#american #anything #because #bread #earth

With faith and courage, generations of Armenians have overcome great suffering and proudly preserved their culture, traditions, and religion and have told the story of the genocide to an often indifferent world.

Jerry Costello

#courage #culture #different world #faith #generations

I am proud of the hip hop generation. They are good business people and, actually, good people.

Nikki Giovanni

#am #business #business people #generation #good

I didn't have anything to do with being born to my mother and father. But I had a lot to do with Kristin Shepard's notoriety. I'm proud of the work I did on Dallas.

Mary Crosby

#being #born #dallas #did #father

We are proud to have with us the poet lariat of Chicago.

Richard J. Daley

#poet #proud #us

I've very proud to be mayor of our great city. It's a city with a heart and a soul. Chicago has a unique spirit. Our business community wants to give back.

Richard M. Daley

#business #business community #chicago #city #community

When business leaders ask me what they can do for Indiana, I always reply: 'Make money. Go make money. That's the first act of corporate citizenship. If you do that, you'll have to hire someone else, and you'll have enough profit to help one of those non-profits we're so proud of.'

Mitch Daniels

#always #ask #business #business leaders #citizenship

You'd have to go a long way to find someone who was more proud and grateful for what our veterans have done for all of us.

Jim Davis

#find #go #grateful #long #long way

I think I'm proudest of making my parents proud.

Eric Dickerson

#i think #making #parents #proud #proudest

Being happy is very important. We won our second championship last season and we have our entire team coming back to try and defend our title again. I'm very proud of that.

Larry Dixon

#back #being #being happy #championship #coming

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