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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pulse

I don't believe in guilt, I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person, and don't judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free.

Angelina Jolie

#believe #completely #free #guilt #hurt

I guess hip-hop has been closer to the pulse of the streets than any music we've had in a long time. It's sociology as well as music, which is in keeping with the tradition of black music in America.

Quincy Jones

#any #been #black #black music #closer

I wouldn't be able to do the songs as long as I've been doing if I didn't feel the pulse of the world. But I can feel people and I know what they want. I feel like I know how they are, because I am the people. And I just have a gift.

R. Kelly

#am #because #been #doing #feel

Berlin is still going through a transition since the Cold War - both in what used to be East and West Berlin. I can still sense the confusion and the struggle for identity there in the streets. There's a pulse to it.

Diane Kruger

#both #cold #cold war #confusion #east

If priests were allowed to marry, if this would be an optional thing, and if he could have wife and children, he would certainly have less temptation to satisfy certain sexual impulses with minors.

Hans Kung

#certain #certainly #children #could #impulses

Science is the greatest creative impulse of our time. It dominates the intellectual scene and forms our lives, not only in the material things which it has given us, but also in that it guides our spirit.

Polykarp Kusch

#creative #dominates #forms #given #greatest

I'm fortunate enough with the surfing to be very much at home at the water - my pulse and heart rate are slower in the water than they are on land.

Ryan Kwanten

#fortunate #heart #heart rate #home #i

Nature, who for the perfect maintenance of the laws of her general equilibrium, has sometimes need of vices and sometimes of virtues, inspires now this impulse, now that one, in accordance with what she requires.

Marquis de Sade

#equilibrium #general #her #impulse #inspires

The primary use of conversation is to satisfy the impulse to talk.

George Santayana

#impulse #primary #satisfy #talk #use

Nature is at work. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives us love and hate, jealousy and reverence. All that is ours is the power to choose which impulse we shall follow.

David Seabury

#choose #destiny #follow #gives #handiwork

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