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#real things

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #real things

I think it's really important to use your hands and get close to materials. To be up close to real things like rain and mud; to have contact with nature.

Robin Day

#contact #get #hands #i #i think

I try to watch only real things, which basically amounts to C-Span for me. I like real people in real situations. I learn from that.

William Devane

#i #learn #like #me #only

What difference is there, do you think, between those in Plato's cave who can only marvel at the shadows and images of various objects, provided they are content and don't know what they miss, and the philosopher who has emerged from the cave and sees the real things?

Desiderius Erasmus

#cave #content #difference #emerged #images

The more real things get, the more like myths they become.

Rainer W. Fassbinder

#get #like #more #myths #real

We don't see the people who are doing real things getting enough props. We often see politicians who are everywhere but nowhere at the same goddamn time. You know the kind of person: You see them everywhere on television but nowhere in front of your face.

Chuck D.

#enough #everywhere #face #front #getting

I think right about now we have to beware of marketed Malcolms and Martins. Real people do real things.

Chuck D.

#beware #i #i think #marketed #now

If the child is left to himself, he will think more and better, if less showily. Let him go and come freely, let him touch real things and combine his impressions for himself.

Anne Sullivan Macy

#child #combine #come #freely #go

I write songs about real things... The subject dictates the mood and it goes from there, really.

John Mayall

#dictates #goes #i #i write #mood

An administrator in a bureaucratic world is a man who can feel big by merging his non-entity in an abstraction. A real person in touch with real things inspires terror in him.

Marshall McLuhan

#administrator #big #bureaucratic #feel #him

When you've been raised in care, rap music isn't just about guns and sexism. They're talking about real things you can hang on to, problems of identity that you have sympathy with. It's not just about the music, with rap: when I was in care, it meant a whole lot more than that.

Samantha Morton

#been #care #guns #hang #i

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