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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #receding

In the twelve months immediately preceding the outbreak; of war, the quantity of spirits, both domestic and imported released for sale in Canada, amounted to over three and a half million proof gallons.

William Lyon Mackenzie King

#both #canada #domestic #half #immediately

That all who have ever been born men from the beginning of creation, and are deceased, are either in heaven or in hell, follows from those things which have been said and shown in the preceding article, namely, that Heaven and Hell are from the human race.

Emanuel Swedenborg

#been #beginning #born #creation #deceased

Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance.

Will Durant

#expanding #ignorance #knowledge #mirage #our

It is often tragic to see how blatantly a man bungles his own life and the lives of others yet remains totally incapable of seeing how much the whole tragedy originates in himself, and how he continually feeds it and keeps it going. Not consciously, of course—for consciously he is engaged in bewailing and cursing a faithless world that recedes further and further into the distance. Rather, it is an unconscious factor which spins the illusions that veil his world. And what is being spun is a cocoon, which in the end will completely envelop him.

C.G. Jung

#illusions #receding #tragedy #tragic #life

The possibility of bringing white-collar criminals to justice is ever receding over the horizon.

Sara Paretsky

#criminals #ever #horizon #justice #over

In the cold, shivering twilight, preceding the daybreak of civilization, the dominating emotion of man was fear.

Paul Harris

#cold #daybreak #dominating #emotion #fear

No novel is a clone of any preceding one, though with a background cast of characters and things that has grown to thousands, there are many familiar aspects.

Piers Anthony

#aspects #background #cast #characters #clone

Actors worry about bad breath, weight, receding hairlines and why their leading lady looks like their daughter.

Matthew Ashford

#bad #bad breath #breath #daughter #lady

Scientists are really very conscious of the fact that they stand on the shoulders of an enormous tree of preceding workers and that their own contribution is not so enormous.

Martin Fleischmann

#contribution #enormous #fact #own #preceding

The history of astronomy is a history of receding horizons.

Edwin Powell Hubble

#history #horizons #receding #the history of

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