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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #simplicity

I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars.” Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. . . . Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and his determination to kill him never relaxed in his sorrow for him. . . . There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behavior and his great dignity. I do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers.

Ernest Hemingway

#philosophy #simplicity #imagination

Take a walk outside - it will serve you far more than pacing around in your mind.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

#free-your-mind #inspiring-quotes #mindfulness #nature #peace-of-mind

Keep it simple and keep it real. The more basic we see our connection to God and Spirit, the easier it is to feel like you're a part of it.

Jim Fargiano

#inspirational #simplicity #spiritual #inspirational

Free yourself from the complexities of your life! A life of simplicity and happiness awaits you.

Steve Maraboli

#happiness #inspirational #life #motivational #simplicity

I feel that the simplicity of life is just being yourself.

Bobby Brown

#being yourself #feel #i #i feel #just

When Van Halen started out, there was no path to fame. We just played what we liked. Even today it always comes down to the simplicity of rock and roll.

Eddie Van Halen

#comes #down #even #fame #halen

Small Moth... She's slicing ripe white peaches into the Tony the Tiger bowl and dropping slivers for the dog poised vibrating by her foot to stop their fall when she spots it, camouflaged, a glimmer and then full on- happiness, plashing blunt soft wings inside her as if it wants to escape again.

Sarah Lindsay

#home #simplicity #home

Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. If you have them, you have to take care of them! There is great freedom in simplicity of living. It is those who have enough but not too much who are the happiest.

Peace Pilgrim

#care #enough #freedom #great #happiest

We must plant trees, grow gardens instead of lawns, ride bicycles when we can and support responsible local businesses over big brands.

Bryant McGill

#care #intelligent #knowledgeable #love #nationalism

Love the moment for its simplicity, it may give or take nothing from you, but in the blinking of an eye it will have change so many things forever.

Steven Redhead

#change #forever #love #moment #simplicity

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