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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #snare

When the snares don't hit together, it's just the most awful thing to hear.

John Otto

#awful thing #hear #hit #just #most

Avoid popularity; it has many snares, and no real benefit.

William Penn

#benefit #many #popularity #real #snares

The truth is a snare: you cannot have it, without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a way that you catch it, but only in such a way that it catches you.

Soren Kierkegaard

#cannot #catch #catches #caught #only

Less than an hour before he'd congratulated himself on escaping all the traps of Earth, all the snares of Man. Not knowing that the greatest trap of all, the final and the fatal trap, lay on this present planet.

Clifford D. Simak

#earth #escaping #fatal #final #greatest

Playing well with others is important - not being too flashy, just keeping good time and of course coming up with cool beats. A good snare drum, kick drum, high hat. Just getting good at the hand feet coordination.

Chad Smith

#being #coming #cool #coordination #course

Human brutes, like other beasts, find snares and poison in the provision of life, and are allured by their appetites to their destruction.

Jonathan Swift

#appetites #beasts #brutes #destruction #find

Serious affairs and history are carefully laid snares for the uninformed.

Dejan Stojanovic

#books #dejan-stojanovic #history #literature #literature-quotes

In short, all things that please the natural man in this world, are, to a true Christian, only so many crosses and temptations, allurements of sin and snares of death, that continually exercise his virtue.

Johann Arndt

#christian #continually #crosses #death #exercise

I would not send a poor girl into the world, ignorant of the snares that beset her path; nor would I watch and guard her, till, deprived of self-respect and self-reliance, she lost the power or the will to watch and guard herself .

Anne Bronte

#deprived #girl #guard #her #herself

Still, I have been no one's enemy but my own. My easy nature, either in drinking or anything else, was always ready to submit to persuasions of profligate companions, who often led me into snares.

John Clare

#anything #been #companions #drinking #easy

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