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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sterner

At this camp I had the unique experience of showing all these seasoned Westerners that it was possible to make a fire by the friction of two sticks. This has long been a specialty of mine; I use a thong and a bow as the simplest way.

Ernest Thompson Seton

#bow #camp #experience #fire #friction

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.

William Shakespeare

#made #should #sterner #stuff

Being married to a daughter of India is a natural complement of my being in this country for 30 years. My roots are very much in this country, even though I remain a Westerner.

Francois Gautier

#complement #country #daughter #even #i

Ultimately, there is no compromise. Westerners will either retain their civilization, including the right to insult and blaspheme, or not.

Daniel Pipes

#compromise #either #including #insult #retain

In this he was like most Midwesterners. Directions are very important to them. They have an innate need to be oriented, even in their anecdotes. Any story related by a Midwesterner will wander off at some point into a thicket of interior monologue along the lines of "We were staying at a hotel that was eight blocks northeast of the state capital building. Come to think of it, it was northwest. And I think it was probably more like nine blocks. And this woman without any clothes on, naked as the day she was born except for a coonskin caop, came running at us from the southwest. . . or was it the southeast?" If there are two Midwesterns present and they both witnessed the incident, you can just about write off the anecdote because they will spend the rest of the afternoon arguing points of the compass and will never get back to the original story. You can always tell a Midwestern couple in Europe because they will be standing on a traffic island in the middle of a busy intersection looking at a windblown map and arguing over which way is west. European cities, with their wandering streets and undisciplined alleys, drive Midwesterners practically insane.

Bill Bryson

#midwesterners #business

Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.

Wendell Berry

#decisions #justice #know #longer #memory

Though sages may pour out their wisdom's treasure, there is no sterner moralist than pleasure.

Lord Byron

#moralist #out #pleasure #pour #sages

Whether we or our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.

Wendell Berry

#decisions #justice #know #longer #memory

I am a Westerner of Westerners!

Taylor Caldwell

#i #i am #westerner #westerners

Westerners know the difference between a talker and the real deal. If Rick Perry wasn't right to be governor of Texas, why should he be president?

Dick Cheney

#deal #difference #governor #know #perry

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