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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #stone

Is a mountain only a huge stone? Is a planet an enormous mountain?

Stanisław Lem

#life #mountain #perception #reality #stone

So – I am n-nothing more than – than a bloody job?! On top of not knowing why you must look after me – you only jumped at the chance to help me because your – that V-Vampire thought you couldn’t?! What are you, some – some child?!” “I am no child, human!” “Oh I would not have thought so,” she breathed condescendingly sending his blood to boil despite the ring, “if it were not for the fact that only children react so wondrously juvenile when faced with such a choice! You bargain my life over a show of bravado! And where is your brother, Christian?! He has not been here to see your brilliant work as my watcher, has he?!

S.C. Parris

#christian-delacroix #fantasy #human #the-immortal-s-guide #vampires

She glared at him through tear-filled eyes. “You talk of your pain? You cannot even begin to understand the sacrifice I have made. I gave away a piece of myself, my soul! But I did it out of love, never think otherwise. I made the choice to live my life without her because I knew in my heart she would be better off without me and I could not bear to know that a life created out of such perfect love would be forced to live with the ugly truth of her birth. I thought,” she sobbed, breaking down before him. “I thought…I did the right thing.

Charlotte Featherstone

#anais #charlotte-featherstone #lindsay #life

They fought because they loved the dance, and the weight of a sword in their hands. The clash and spark of metal and hiss of flame was like music written just for them. They fought for glory, but not for blood. They were Weirlind, heirs of the warrior's stone. And they always slept better with blades beneath their beds.

The Warrior Heir Cinda Williams Chima pg.

#battle #blood #glory #heir #stone

But this night is not through. We’ve made love. And now, to the bed, where the f*cking will commence.

Charlotte Featherstone

#jane #matthew #love

She followed the melting flakes, revelling in the thickness, the softness of his hair, which he wore long. She had loved to run her fingers through it before. Tug at it in mounting pleasure. Snuggle into it in the shared intimacy of their loving.

Charlotte Featherstone

#elizabeth #iain #temptation-and-twilight #love

I’m going to cut you,” Georgiana murmured. “I’m going to mark that face of yours and show him what I’m capable of.” “He’d still love me,” Elizabeth whispered. “It’s a concept you could never understand, Georgiana.

Charlotte Featherstone

#temptation-and-twilight #love

If I set my stones, my mum would be an opal, all swirly colours and clashy statements. I would put her at the north point of my stone compass and be grateful to her for my brains, and the fact that I stand up for myself. I'd be grateful to her for the ease with which I laugh, although I wish she'd rein in her own guffaws sometimes because really, who needs to be that loud? I was grateful that she didn't hover over me like some parents who couldn't seem to let their (nearly adult) children out of their sight without keeping constant telephone contact. He'll, I was even grateful that she had strict house rules that were a pain in the arse, because we both knew it would be much easier if she said yes, but she did no because she really believed no was the right answer.

Gabrielle Williams

#love #mum #stone #taxi #love

You’re all alone. No one wants you anymore. How long did you think we would all stay? You’ve killed each and every person who ever loved you. Even your children won’t want you. They will see what you have done. You must be the first ward in history to treat your guardian so badly that he left you. Do you think your mistress will stay? No. Elizabeth will take what she wanted and then she will leave you too.

S.K.N. Hammerstone

#skn-hammerstone #the-deceived #vessel-of-souls #ya #ya-horror

Harry: "And what if I wave my wand and nothing happens?” Ron: “Throw it away and punch him on the nose.

J.K. Rowling


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