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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #tactic

The conclusion that many uniformed military came away from Vietnam with was that political interference, dominance of strategy and even tactics were a very bad way to conduct a war, and that indeed, if that was going to be our practice, that we shouldn't wage conflict again.

Robert McFarlane

#away #bad #came #conclusion #conduct

If there is no threat to the lives of the citizens, our tactic will be to not intervene or impede members of the protest in expressing their will freely.

Vano Merabishvili

#expressing #freely #impede #intervene #lives

America has lost the moral high ground with the rest of the world, and we have fewer allies as a result. President Bush and his administration have undermined the war on terror by using tactics outlawed by international treaty and condemned by even our closest friends.

John Olver

#allies #america #bush #closest #closest friends

As I've got older, I've become more intrigued about formations, tactics, I listen a lot more to the manager's team talk; as a kid, if I'm honest, I never listened.

Michael J. Owen

#become #formations #got #honest #i

Tactics, fitness, stroke ability, adaptability, experience, and sportsmanship are all necessary for winning.

Fred Perry

#ability #adaptability #experience #necessary #sportsmanship

For all their scare tactics, President Obama and Democrats have no plan whatsoever to preserve Medicare for future generations - or protect it for today's seniors and those nearing retirement. They did, however, cut Medicare by $700 billion to bankroll Obamacare.

Reince Priebus

#cut #democrats #did #future #future generations

We need to do a lot more thinking about how the regime is going to evolve, how the bad guys are going to adapt their tactics, and what measures we're going to need in order to go forward.

Mitchell Reiss

#adapt #bad #bad guys #evolve #forward

The future battle on the ground will be preceded by battle in the air. This will determine which of the contestants has to suffer operational and tactical disadvantages and be forced throughout the battle into adoption compromise solutions.

Erwin Rommel

#air #battle #compromise #contestants #determine

Alinsky's 1971 book, "Rules for Radicals," is a favorite of the Obamas. Michele Obama quoted it at the Democratic Convention. One Alinsky tactic is to "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." That's what the White House did in targeting Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli and Jim Cramer.

Karl Rove

#convention #democratic #did #favorite #freeze

Democracy's a very fragile thing. You have to take care of democracy. As soon as you stop being responsible to it and allow it to turn into scare tactics, it's no longer democracy, is it? It's something else. It may be an inch away from totalitarianism.

Sam Shepard

#away #being #being responsible #care #democracy

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