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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #abortion

However much I dislike the idea of abortion, you should not criminalize a woman who, in very difficult circumstances, makes that choice.

Tony Blair

#choice #circumstances #criminalize #difficult #difficult circumstances

In short, I'm not sure that the abortion problem can be solved by legislation. I think it can only be solved through moral persuasion.

Tony Campolo

#i #i think #legislation #moral #only

For almost twenty years, abortion policy in America has been controlled by the courts.

Robert Casey

#almost #america #been #controlled #courts

Together, we will protect the sanctity of life, ensuring early next Congress that no federal funds are used for abortion.

Fred Upton

#congress #early #ensuring #federal #funds

I don't believe that Jesus would approve abortion except in the case of incest, rape or the mother's life in danger. But I had to enforce the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade so I tried to do everything I could to minimize the need for abortions.

Jimmy Carter

#approve #believe #case #could #court

Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.

Alveda King

#both #error #fundamental #getting #human

Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed. Together, abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular.

Alveda King

#accomplishing #black #black community #born #community

A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor, however, by taking their money to terminate their children.

Alveda King

#apologists #areas #because #children #clinics

In my world, you don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and be against common-sense gun control — like banning public access to the kind of semiautomatic assault rifle, designed for warfare, that was used recently in a Colorado theater. You don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and want to shut down the Environmental Protection Agency, which ensures clean air and clean water, prevents childhood asthma, preserves biodiversity and combats climate change that could disrupt every life on the planet. You don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose programs like Head Start that provide basic education, health and nutrition for the most disadvantaged children...The term “pro-life” should be a shorthand for respect for the sanctity of life. But I will not let that label apply to people for whom sanctity for life begins at conception and ends at birth. What about the rest of life? Respect for the sanctity of life, if you believe that it begins at conception, cannot end at birth.

Thomas L. Friedman

#educational-system #environmental-protection #gun-control #life #pro-choice

I don't eat chicken abortions!

Cecily von Ziegesar

#chicken-abortions #gossip-girl #humor #humor

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