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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #bookshelves

I would be the most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.

Anna Quindlen

#building #children #consists #content #decorating

I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.

Anna Quindlen

#bookshelves #building #children #consists #content

My study is a converted garage which is largely lined with bookshelves and cardboard boxes filled with manuscripts of my film scripts, plays and books.

William Nicholson

#bookshelves #boxes #cardboard #converted #filled

In my living room there are two large bookcases, each one eight feet tall, and they have about five hundred books between them. If I step up to a shelf and look at the books one by one, I can remember something about each. As a historian once said, some stare at me reproachfully, grumbling that I have never read them. One may remind me vaguely of a time when I was interested in romantic novels. An old college text will elicit a pang of unhappiness about studying. Each book has its character, and even books I know very well also have this kind of wordless flavor. Now if I step back from the shelf and look quickly across both bookcases I speed up that same process a hundredfold. Impressions wash across my awareness. But each book still looks back in its own way, answering the rude brevity of my gaze, calling faintly to me out of the corner of my eye. At that speed many books remain wrapped in the shadows of my awareness--I know I have looked past them and I know they are there, but I refuse to call them to mind.

James Elkins

#bookshelves #looking #reading #nature

My brother and I were able to fantasize far more extravagantly about our parents' tastes and desires, their aspirations and their vices, by scanning their bookcases than by snooping in their closest. Their selves were on their shelves.

Anne Fadiman

#bookshelves #parents #shelves #aspiration

By burning Luther's books you may rid your bookshelves of him, but you will not rid men's minds of him.

Desiderius Erasmus

#bookshelves #burning #him #luther #may

One, I have a wonderful publisher, Black Sparrow Press; as long as they exist, they will keep me in print. And they claim they sell very respectable numbers of my books, so I guess, and it's true, every place I go, my books are in libraries and on bookshelves.

Diane Wakoski

#books #bookshelves #claim #every #exist

She's dating the school quarterback." "People date all the time. And they break up all the time." "Not these two," Meredith said with a snort. "Their love is epic. Everyone at school knows it. He gave up his philandering ways to be with his longtime childhood bestie." I finally glanced at her sideways. "They're in high school. High schoolers don't philander." "Jack Caputo does. Or did.

Brodi Ashton

#cole #jack-and-nikki #dating

I love walking into a bookstore. It's like all my friends are sitting on shelves, waving their pages at me.

Tahereh Mafi

#bookshelves #bookstore #friend #love

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