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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #criticism

Your function as a critic is to show that it is really you yourself who should have written the book, if you had had the time, and since you hadn't you are glad that someone else had, although obviously it might have been done better.

Stephen Potter

#criticism #humor #writing #humor

The genuine artist, Harris is saying, finds reality in a point of identity between subject and object, a point at which the created world and the world that is really there become the same thing. [p.211]

Northrop Frye

#literary-theory #poetics #imagination

There is a vast expanse of time before the Norman Conquest in 1066, from which fragments of literary texts remain, although these fragments make quite a substantial body of work. If we consider that the same expanse of time has passed between Shakespeare's time and now as passed between the earliest extant text and 1066, we can begin to imagine just how much literary expression there must have been. But these centuries remain largely dark to us, apart from a few illuminating flashes and fragments, since almost all of it was never written down, and since most of what was preserved in writing was destroyed later, particularly during the 1530s.

Ronald Carter


A creative life cannot be sustained by approval any more than it can be destroyed by criticism.

Will Self

#inspirational #inspirational

I learned that it's okay to feel the way I do: that my life has no meaning unless I have a boyfriend. A real man is like the perfect vampire-boy and all the perfect guys in Twue Wuv.

Jess C. Scott

#anti-twilight #dark-humor #drugs #gluttony #heroin

لو أنني حاولت أن أقرأ فقط لأرد على ما وجه إلي من نقد، لشغل هذا وقتي كله ولعطلني عن أعمالي !! لكنني أبذل جهدي في أداء واجبي، فإذا أثمرت جهودي فلا شيء من النقد الذي وجه إليّ يهمني بعد ذلك، إنه سيختفي من تلقاء نفسه. أما إذا خاب مسعاي فلو أقسمت الملائكة على حسن نيتي ما أجداني هذا فتيلاً، حَسبي فيما يتصل بآراء الناس أني أديت واجبي وأرضيت ضميري.

Abraham Lincoln

#lessons #life #power #wise #life

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.

George Eliot

#true-friends #love

If, in the Judaic perception, the language of the Adamic was that of love, the grammars of fallen man are those of the legal code.

George Steiner

#kafka #laws #love #love

As we have seen, French culture and language interacted with native English culture for several generations after the Norman Conquest. A common word such as 'castle' is a French loan word, for example; and the whole romance tradition comes from the French. But this sensibility, culture, and language becomes integrated with native culture. As well as the beginnings of what came to be called a courtly love tradition, we can find in Early Middle English (around the time that Layamon was writing Brut) the growth of a local tradition of songs and ballads.

Ronald Carter


No weakness of the human mind has more frequently incurred animadversion, than the negligence with which men overlook their own faults, however flagrant, and the easiness with which they pardon them, however frequently repeated.

Samuel Johnson

#character-flaws #criticism #double-standards #faults #men

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