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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #default

In most of history, societies have not been free. It's a very rare society that is free. The default condition of human societies is tyranny.

Michael Novak

#condition #default #free #history #human

Nobody wants to put the creditworthiness of the United States in jeopardy. Nobody wants to see the United States default. So we've got to seize this moment, and we have to seize it soon.

Barack Obama

#got #jeopardy #moment #nobody #put

When I was a kid, and I was odd, the default assumption was that I was odd, not that I was gay. Now when a kid is odd in a Greensburg, gay or straight, the default assumption is gay.

Dan Savage

#default #gay #i #kid #now

After everyone has had a chance to bluster, posture, and pontificate, we are left with one basic question: under any foreseeable circumstance, would it be in our national interest to default on our debt? The answer is unequivocally no.

John Sununu

#answer #any #basic #chance #circumstance

By virtue of some of the ways the game is played, in terms of message discipline, in terms of access for reporters, and especially in the way that sources and subjects, especially famous subjects, treat the media, almost by default there's more news that's falling into books.

Ron Suskind

#almost #books #default #discipline #especially

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.

J. K. Rowling

#cautiously #default #failed #failing #impossible

The people who did the collateralized mortgage obligations, sold them to pension funds, then sold them short, then bought credit default swap insurance on them, are just amazing. They are a law unto themselves.

Ben Stein

#bought #credit #default #did #funds

I'm for the Wall Street Occupiers. But will they accept me when they find out I sell packaged mortgage default instruments to children?

Steve Martin

#children #default #find #i #instruments

Sure, we thought the acres That we tilled were sacred, But how could we have known That wheat can haunt like ghosts

Sherman Alexie

#family-farm #poem #poetry #sherman-alexie #short-poems

I knew 'Mars Needs Moms! ' would be a movie seconds after the title came to mind. Similarly, I also knew that my daughter would be calling me a dork as a default term of endearment eventually.

Berkeley Breathed

#also #calling #came #daughter #default

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