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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #doors

When the doors of opportunity swing open, we must make sure that we are not too drunk or too indifferent to walk through.

Jesse Jackson

#drunk #indifferent #make #must #open

We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors.

Lyndon B. Johnson

#doors #equip #must #open #opportunity

It's very warm there, so we were outdoors all the time. The local people had programs for us year-round, where as kids we had the opportunity to play football, basketball, baseball, track and field - we just went from one sport to the next, year-round.

Rafer Johnson

#basketball #field #football #had #just

People tend to think of Brisbane as a sleepy, sub-topical place. I don't know. It's like Baltimore or something. I don't know. You would hear the family dramas going on behind closed doors.

Geoffrey Rush

#behind #closed #doors #dramas #family

Growing up in Florida, it rained a lot, so we spent a lot of time indoors. I used to love Frogger. I got a lot of use out of that and Ms. Pac-man on my little Atari.

Jennifer Sky

#florida #got #growing #growing up #i

I have composed several pieces which are performed outdoors, not only in the auditoria.

Karlheinz Stockhausen

#i #only #outdoors #performed #pieces

John is a cottage industry in Baltimore and the city opens its doors for him whenever he is making a new film.

Mink Stole

#city #cottage #doors #film #him

All those hours exploring the great outdoors made me more resilient and confident.

David Suzuki

#exploring #great #hours #made #me

Burst down those closet doors once and for all, and stand up and start to fight.

Harvey Milk

#closet #doors #down #fight #once

SAUL: 'We made love outdoors, my favorite place to make love, assuming the weather be fair and balmy, and the earth beneath be clean. Our souls intertwined and dripping with sweat.

Roman Payne

#clean-earth #love #lovers #making-love #outdoors

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