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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #exports

China's idea of fair trade is government subsidies of its textile and apparel exports to the United States, currency manipulation, and forgiveness of loans by its government banks.

Virginia Foxx

#banks #china #currency #exports #fair

Worse there cannot be; a better, I believe, there may be, by giving energy to the capital and skill of the country to produce exports, by increasing which, alone, can we flatter ourselves with the prospect of finding employment for that part of our population now unemployed.

Joseph Hume

#believe #better #cannot #capital #country

The Scottish government set a goal of increasing exports by 50% by 2017. That is ambitious. Is it achievable?

Tom Hunter

#exports #goal #government #increasing #scottish

U.S. corn exports to CAFTA countries will benefit from reduced tariffs and duty-free access for corn products.

John Shimkus

#benefit #cafta #corn #countries #exports

People forget that a huge proportion of our jobs still depend on agricultural production in Australia so of course there are exports. That's easily overlooked.

John Anderson

#australia #course #depend #easily #exports

The crisis in Europe has affected the U.S. economy by acting as a drag on our exports, weighing on business and consumer confidence, and pressuring U.S. financial markets and institutions.

Ben Bernanke

#affected #business #confidence #consumer #consumer confidence

But it's not just the cattle producers, it's all the attendant industries like transport and shipping and feed producers and the like. There will be enormous ramifications across the beef industry generally as a result of the Government's decision to ban all exports to all of the abattoirs in Indonesia.

Julie Bishop

#attendant #ban #beef #cattle #decision

My point is this, the Government made this decision to ban totally beef exports into Indonesia, even to compliant abattoirs and this will have enormous consequences for the beef cattle industry across Australia.

Julie Bishop

#australia #ban #beef #cattle #compliant

In principle, there are only three main components of spending that much matter to monetary policy: consumer spending, business investment and exports and trade.

Evan Davis

#components #consumer #exports #investment #main

We need the Chinese to - you know, spend more, save less - consume more and not be so focused on exports. There are big changes we need in the world.

David Cameron

#changes #chinese #consume #exports #focused

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