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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #games

Greta is great, but he's a little...extremely...moody. Take my birthday last year. At the stroke of midnight, he appeared at my door. "I wrote this poem for you," he said, shoving a piece of crumpled paper into my hands. 'The world must burn. Lava exploding into faces. Their skeletons are screaming now. No survivors. - From Greta' "" I began. "Don't bother thanking me," he said. "I just wanted to comfort you for being one year closer to the grave. Of course, I failed miserably, because comfort doesn't exist in this universe.

Bratniss Everclean

#gale #greta #hunger-games #parody #death

Boys play with death as though it were a game, cutting their teeth on daggers.

Sheri S. Tepper

#games #death

Vera had not sensed my approach. She was peering into the instrument and turning knobs with child-like seriousness and ineptitude. It was obvious that she had never used a microscope before. I stole closer to her, and then I said, "Boo!" She jerked her head away from the eyepiece. "Hello," I said. "You scared me to death," she said. "Sorry," I said, and I laughed. These ancient games go on and on. It's nice they do.

Kurt Vonnegut

#games #laugh #death

Reality is broken. Game designers can fix it.

Jane McGonigal


Hocking was slender in the way that writers and musicians are sometimes slender: not out of any desire or design but rather because his days were spent being consumed rather than consuming.

Tom Bissell

#tom-bissell #video-games #why-video-games-matter #design

Sometimes when things are particularly bad, my brain will give me a happy dream. [...] When I fully awaken, I'm momentarily comforted. I try to hold on to the peaceful feeling of the dream, but it quickly slips away, leaving me sadder than ever.

Suzanne Collins

#dream #dreams #love #peaceful #sad

If little else, the brain is an educational toy. The problem with possessing such an engaging toy is that other people want to play with it, too. Sometime they'd rather play with yours than theirs. Or they object if you play with yours in a different manner from the way they play with theirs. The result is, a few games out of a toy department of possibilities are universally and endlessly repeated. If you don't play some people's game, they say that you have "lost your marbles," not recognizing that, while Chinese checkers is indeed a fine pastime, a person may also play dominoes, chess, strip poker, tiddlywinks, drop-the-soap or Russian roulette with his brain.

Tom Robbins

#creativity #deviance #games #individuality #normalizing

Oh, and I suppose the apples ate the cheese.

Suzanne Collins


What was that you were saying just before the food arrived? Something about thing that ever happened to you..." "I don't remember that last part," I say, hoping it's too dim in here for the cameras to pick up my blush. "Oh, that's right. That what I was thinking," he says.

Suzanne Collins

#katniss-everdeen #peeta-mellark #food

Because...because...she came here with me.

Suzanne Collins

#love #peeta-mellark #the-hunger-games #love

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