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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #lest

Charleston has a landscape that encourages intimacy and partisanship. I have heard it said that an inoculation to the sights and smells of the Carolina lowcountry is an almost irreversible antidote to the charms of other landscapes, other alien geographies. You can be moved profoundly by other vistas, by other oceans, by soaring mountain ranges, but you can never be seduced. You can even forsake the lowcountry, renounce it for other climates, but you can never completely escape the sensuous, semitropical pull of Charleston and her marshes.

Pat Conroy


Our efforts are not aimed at isolating Israel or de-legitimizing it; rather we want to gain legitimacy for the cause of the people of Palestine. We only aim to de-legitimize the settlement activities and the occupation and apartheid and the logic of ruthless force, and we believe that all the countries of the world stand with us in this regard.

Mahmoud Abbas

#aim #aimed #apartheid #believe #cause

The time has come to end the suffering and the plight of millions of Palestine refugees in the homeland and the Diaspora, to end their displacement and to realize their rights, some of them forced to take refuge more than once in different places of the world.

Mahmoud Abbas

#different #different places #displacement #end #forced

We expect President Bush to implement his own vision of a two-state solution, the birth of the Palestinian State and the ending of the occupation that started in 1967.

Mahmoud Abbas

#bush #ending #expect #his #implement

Blowing up buses will not induce the Israelis to move forward, and neither will the killing of Palestinians or the demolition of their homes and their future. All this needs to stop. And we pledge that Jordan will do its utmost to help achieve it.

King Abdullah II

#blowing #buses #forward #future #help

Our response has been, 'Well, let's then make an effort to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to sit around the table.' That hasn't happened. So we only have ourselves to blame for this crisis.

King Abdullah II

#been #blame #crisis #effort #get

But let us not too hastily triumph in the shame of Sparta, lest we aggravate our own condemnation.

Thomas Day

#condemnation #hastily #lest #let us #our

The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of the war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

#destiny #hundreds #land #occupied #outcome

Women can't do everything at the same time, we need to understand milestones in our lives comes in segments.

Madeleine Albright

#everything #lives #milestones #need #our

The principle of Sturgeon's Razor states that the simplest answer to any problem is 90% crap.

Aaron Allston

#any #crap #principle #problem #razor

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