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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #load

If I can get a story about a player, I would give you a ship load of numbers, batting averages and all just for that one precious story. That's the kind of thing that I love to do.

Vin Scully

#averages #batting #get #give #i

Everyone in showbiz is driven by ego, so how do you go from having loads of fame to working at 7-11? You can't do it!

Ryan Seacrest

#ego #everyone #fame #go #having

When I was a teenager, I was really into hair; I dyed it different colours and had loads of haircuts. I shaved my head when I was 17 - it was pretty radical!

Chloe Sevigny

#different #different colours #dyed #had #hair

Because comedy is cheap to put on: if you've got a play or an opera, there's a whole load of people and a set, but comedy is just one man or woman. And because TV has learned to love comics - there's so many more around now than when I started out.

Arthur Smith

#because #cheap #comedy #comics #got

But as well may you, when urging a man up-hill with a heavy load upon his back, and with your lash also upon his back, tell him, that be has nothing to do either with the load or the lash.

Gerrit Smith

#back #either #heavy #heavy load #him

The poor North has much to do with slavery. It staggers under its load and smarts under its lash.

Gerrit Smith

#load #much #north #poor #slavery

All my life, as down an abyss without a bottom. I have been pouring van loads of information into that vacancy of oblivion I call my mind.

Logan P. Smith

#been #bottom #call #down #i

I've never wanted to become a politician, an interior decorator, I've never wanted to speculate and make a load of money. I just wanted this.

Terence Stamp

#decorator #i #interior #just #load

I get a trickling few scripts that I'm lucky enough that some of them are great. I don't get loads of scripts.

Meryl Streep

#few #get #great #i #loads

We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file-sharing networks.

Aaron Swartz

#journals #need #networks #scientific #them

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