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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #nato

I have been working, as emergency relief coordinator, on an international scale, very hard to build a wider alliance of partners in assistance efforts.

Jan Egeland

#assistance #been #build #coordinator #efforts

To unwind after training, I love to have a long hot soak in the bath, then veg out on the sofa with a box set. I'm a box-set junkie! I absolutely love 'Grey's Anatomy.'

Jessica Ennis

#after #anatomy #bath #box #grey

Senator Kerry voted to undermine the troops in the field, and that is not only inexcusable, it is reprehensible.

John Ensign

#inexcusable #kerry #only #reprehensible #senator

We have an interest in excellent relations because we are neighbours as Europeans with Russia. We are allies with the United States in the NATO framework.

Joschka Fischer

#because #europeans #excellent #framework #interest

Senator Jon Kyl has given all of the eventual candidates in this race an excellent model of how to best serve Arizona and the country. He's set the bar extremely high, and I'll do my best to meet that standard.

Jeff Flake

#bar #best #candidates #country #eventual

Radio football is football reduced to its lowest common denominator.

Nick Hornby

#common denominator #denominator #football #lowest #radio

'Do you pray for the senators, Dr. Hale?' No, I look at the senators and I pray for the country.

Edward Everett Hale

#dr #hale #i #look #pray

There's always a spattering of people who see Hanson who were influenced by classic '60's and '70's rock and roll. In a lot of ways, we're sort of the anatomy of a '70's rock band if you examine what we do: white guys who grew up listening to soul music from the '50's and '60's.

Taylor Hanson

#anatomy #band #classic #examine #grew

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, said that Republicans' number one priority was the defeat of President Obama.

Steny Hoyer

#leader #mitch #number #obama #president

I'm not a very good impersonator, my friends maybe, but not famous people.

Diane Kruger

#famous people #friends #good #i #impersonator

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