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#new york times

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #new york times

As I was coming up on the stage, there was one source that could make or break you, the New York Times. Inevitably there would be one actor singled out for a better review, or worse, than somebody else. The effect of that was cancerous, divisive.

Kevin Bacon

#better #break #coming #could #divisive

In my view, far from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other newspapers should be commended for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly.

Hugo Black

#clearly #commended #condemnation #courageous #deserving

Egotism, n: Doing the New York Times crossword puzzle with a pen.

Ambrose Bierce

#doing #egotism #new #new york #new york times

I read cover to cover every jazz publication that I could and in the New York Times, every single day reading their jazz reviews even though I didn't put them in the films. I wanted to know what is going on.

Ken Burns

#cover #day #even #every #every single day

The New York Times editorial page is like a Ouija board that has only three answers, no matter what the question. The answers are: higher taxes, more restrictions on political speech and stricter gun control.

Ann Coulter

#board #control #editorial #gun #gun control

I'm very happy that the New York Times has spoken well of my stuff; who wouldn't be? But it's not a choice I made.

John M. Ford

#happy #i #made #new #new york

But instead, Democrats are so bent on seeing Republicans as a bunch of angry, right wing, intolerant, unreliable extremists that they have a track record of missing the mood of the country, especially the sentiment of people who don't wake up to 'The New York Times.'

Ari Fleischer

#bent #bunch #country #democrats #especially

There is no more respected or influential forum in the field of journalism than the New York Times. I look forward, with great anticipation, to contributing to its op-ed page.

Ted Koppel

#contributing #field #forum #forward #great

It may sound a bit like an army barracks, but the truth of the matter is: there must be some time laid aside for arranging, time for working on either a book or an article - I've written two articles in the last four months for the New York Times book review section.

Mel Torme

#arranging #article #articles #aside #barracks

Not even the most powerful organs of the press, including Time, Newsweek, and The New York Times, can discover a new artist or certify his work and make it stick. They can only bring you the scores.

Thomas Wolfe

#bring #certify #discover #even #his

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