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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #offensive

I don't see on television the kind of blood and guts and body parts blown apart that maybe you're referring to, but it certainly is in that BATMAN feature and I found it very offensive.

Burt Ward

#batman #blood #blown #body #certainly

It is impossible to be truly artistic without the risk of offending someone somewhere.

Wayne Gerard Trotman

#artistic #artistic-endeavor #artistic-expression #artistic-freedom #artistic-substance

I claim neither liberalism nor conservatism - one tends to be airheaded while the other tends to be brickheaded.

Criss Jami

#brickheads #conscious #consciousness #conservatism #conservative

We need to begin an all-out diplomatic offensive on Darfur in order to prepare the way for a peacekeeping force that can ensure protection for the people of Darfur.

Kendrick Meek

#begin #darfur #diplomatic #ensure #for the people

An offensive war, I believe to be wrong and would therefore have nothing to do with it, having no right to meddle with another man's property, his ox or his ass, his man servant or his maid servant or anything this is his.

Daniel Morgan

#anything #ass #believe #having #his

Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit: for merit itself is offensive.

Friedrich Nietzsche

#even #itself #merit #more #offensive

What I think is fair to say is that, coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith - something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time.

Barack Obama

#been #camp #comes #coming #deeply

Writing songs is a profession; so it's not an attempt to take things from my interactions with other people and for some reason give them to a total stranger to listen to. I find it offensive to hear other people do that.

Will Oldham

#find #give #hear #i #interactions

I can't think of a bigger waste of police time than chasing somebody who has said something offensive on Twitter.

Tony Parsons

#chasing #i #offensive #police #said

There was a hateful video that was disseminated on the internet. It had nothing to do with the United States government and it's one that we find disgusting and reprehensible. It's been offensive to many, many people around the world.

Susan Rice

#been #disgusting #find #government #had

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