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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pathetic

What I enjoy doing is challenging stereotypes of what people believe a Tory must be. You don't have to say every Tory is in it for themselves - it's pathetic caricaturing that has no place in the 21st century, and if we can challenge that stereotype, then great.

Louise Mensch

#believe #century #challenge #challenging #doing

To be honest, I think bananas are a pathetic fruit.

Andy Murray

#fruit #honest #i #i think #pathetic

Hors d'oeuvres have always a pathetic interest for me; they remind me of one's childhood that one goes through wondering what the next course is going to be like - and during the rest of the menu one wishes one had eaten more of the hors d'oeuvres.

Hector Hugh Munro

#childhood #course #during #eaten #goes

This (George W. Bush's) administration is not sympathetic to corporations, it is indentured to corporations.

Ralph Nader

#bush #corporations #george #george w #sympathetic

Don't be fool's, don't be complacent, and stop being apathetic.

David Pratt

#being #complacent #fool #stop

I got asked by a freelance journalist to jump in front of Princess Diana's funeral. How pathetic is that? That would have been the stupidest thing on the planet.

Mark Roberts

#been #diana #freelance #front #funeral

I fall in love with characters when they're out of their element or are uncomfortable and you really feel for them in a knee-jerk sympathetic way.

Anna Kendrick

#element #fall #feel #i #love

Many possessions, if they do not make a man better, are at least expected to make his children happier; and this pathetic hope is behind many exertions.

George Santayana

#better #children #exertions #expected #happier

I'm lucky to be married to someone who entirely gets what I do. She is totally sympathetic to the actor's life. Her own mother was an actress, so she sort of grew up with it.

Dan Stevens

#actress #entirely #gets #grew #her

I'm knocking our pitiful, pathetic lawmakers. And I thank God that President Bush has stated, we need a Constitutional amendment that states that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Jimmy Swaggart

#between #bush #constitutional #constitutional amendment #god

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