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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #patriarchy

After much diligent research, aided by other women, I gradually came to understand that beneath the familiar Goddesses of the patriarchy, there is a much more ancient Goddess.

Carol P. Christ

#aided #ancient #beneath #came #diligent

Dans la femme parée, la Nature est présente, mais captive, modelée par une volonté humaine selon le désir de l'homme.

Simone de Beauvoir

#female-beauty #objectification-of-women #patriarchy #women #beauty

It's not about winning, Haven. I'm not a prize to be won. I'm not the princess that needs rescuing from the dragon. I'm the prince and I kill my own monsters. You need to be ok with that. -Anita Blake

Laurell K. Hamilton


What are you?' he [Nanapush] said to Damien, who was deep in a meditation over his [chess] bishop's trajectory. 'A priest' said Father Damien 'A man priest or a woman priest?'... ...'I am a priest', she whispered, hoarsely, fierce. 'Why' said Nanapush kindly, as though Father Damien hadn't answered, to put the question to rest, 'are you pretending to be a man priest?

Louise Erdrich

#gender-roles #native-american-reservation #patriarchy #priest #catholicism

The power of patriarchy has been to make maleness feared and to make men feel that it is better to be feared that to be loved. Whether they can confess this or not, men know that just is not true.

Bell Hooks

#love #men #patriarchy #relationships #love

Male dominance in society always means that out of public sight, in the private, ahistorical world of men with women, men are sexually dominating women.

Andrea Dworkin

#sexism #violence-against-women #men

Maybe the best proof that the language is patriarchal is that it oversimplifies feeling.

Jeffrey Eugenides

#language #patriarchy #language

I clenched my teeth and fists to stop them biting and scratching these clever men who want no care for the helpless sick small, who use religions and politics to stay comfortably superior to all that pain: who make religions and politics, excuses to spread misery with fire and sword and how could I stop all this? I did not know what to do.

Alasdair Gray

#feminism #frustration #patriarchy #politics #progress

It must be odd having a lover as a servant." Jack said. "You mean a servant as a lover." Violet said. "What you describe is merely how most men view marriage.

Lev A.C. Rosen


Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.' (Leviticus 18:22). That means simply that it is foul to do to other men what men habitually, proudly, manfully do to women: use them as inanimate, empty, concave things; fuck them into submission; subordinate them through sex.

Andrea Dworkin

#homosexuality #masculinity #patriarchy #sex #violence-against-women

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