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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #reread

I, too, feel the need to reread the books I have already read," a third reader says, "but at every rereading I seem to be reading a new book, for the first time. Is it I who keep changing and seeing new things of which I was not previously aware? Or is reading a construction that assumes form, assembling a great number of variables, and therefore something that cannot be repeated twice according to the same pattern? Every time I seek to relive the emotion of a previous reading, I experience different and unexpected impressions, and do not find again those of before. At certain moments it seems to me that between one reading and the next there is a progression: in the sense, for example, of penetrating further into the spirit of the text, or of increasing my critical detachment. At other moments, on the contrary, I seem to retain the memory of the readings of a single book one next to another, enthusiastic or cold or hostile, scattered in time without a perspective, without a thread that ties them together. The conclusion I have reached is that reading is an operation without object; or that its true object is itself. The book is an accessory aid, or even a pretext.

Italo Calvino

#book-reading #object-of-reading #reading #rereading #change

When you reread a classic, you do not see more in the book than you did before; you see more in you than there was before.

Cliff Fadiman

#book #classic #did #more #reread

The last book I read was the book I've been rereading most of my life, The Fountainhead.

Vince Vaughn

#book #fountainhead #i #last #life

I have never started a novel - I mean except the first, when I was starting a novel just to start a novel - I've never written one without rereading Victory. It opens up the possibilities of a novel. It makes it seem worth doing.

Joan Didion

#except #first #i #just #makes

There have been times when I reread - or at least leafed through - something because I'd sent a copy to a friend, and what usually happened was that I noticed dozens and dozens of clumsy phrases I wished I could rewrite.

Peter Straub

#been #clumsy #copy #could #dozens

I recently reread an article of mine written in 1964, and I think it is still valid. There is not much difference. Many of the items on the agenda 37 years ago are still there.

Harri Holkeri

#ago #article #difference #i #i think

Rereading, we find a new book.

Mason Cooley

#find #new #new book #rereading

Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread.

Francois Mauriac

#enough #i #know #me #read

Not only did I avoid speaking of Salinger; I resisted thinking about him. I did not reread his letters to me. The experience had been too painful.

Joyce Maynard

#avoid #been #did #experience #had

Lists of books we reread and books we can't finish tell more about us than about the relative worth of the books themselves.

Russell Banks

#books #finish #lists #more #relative

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