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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sox

Boston got Roberts on the July 31 trade deadline—exchanging prospect Henri Stanley for the fleet-footed outfielder. Roberts fittingly got 86 at bats for Boston, but it was his speed on the bases that the Red Sox sought—and it was his speed that brought to an end 86 years of frustration for the Fenway Faithful.

Tucker Elliot

#boston-red-sox #dave-roberts #faith

Love of Fenway itself may be as much a part of the Sox' 2.6 million annual attendance as Pedro (Martinez), Manny (Ramirez) and Nomar (Garciaparra)

Michael Gee

#red-sox #love

You can say, 'Well, if they tore down Fenway Park, we can build a new one.' But you wouldn’t build it right. It’s better to make the accommodations, to save the old ballparks. If Fenway Park needs sky boxes to bring in the poverty-stricken owners enough money to save the stadium before they tear it down and move it someplace else, then build the damn sky boxes. If Wrigley Field needs lights to survive, put up the damn lights.... Make the damn structural improvements, but save the ballpark because when you try to rebuild a cathedral five hundred years too late, it doesn’t come out the same.

Tom Boswell

#red-sox #money

I live for the Red Sox. I thoroughly enjoy them. For whatever reason, baseball has been a lot more fun for me in recent years. I loosely follow the Patriots and I root for them. I loosely follow the Celtics and then it gets to playoff time and I don't miss a game. Same with the Bruins. I'm not the diehard fan anymore.

Doug Flutie

#baseball #been #diehard #enjoy #fan

It wasn't like it is now. But for the types of teams we had, the fans were very good here. On some Thursday afternoon games, we'd get 25,000 fans. That was remarkable. This has always been a great Red Sox city.

Curt Gowdy

#always #been #city #fans #games

All literary men are Red Sox fans - to be a Yankee fan in a literate society is to endanger your life.

John Cheever

#fan #fans #life #literary #literary men

The Red Sox are the local scapegoats. It's hard enough to play baseball without being the local scapegoat too.

Michael Lewis

#being #enough #hard #local #play

If you had to point to one thing that made it less likely that the Red Sox would win the World Series, I would say it was those people that go to Fenway Park to watch the games. And then the media around it.

Michael Lewis

#games #go #had #i #less

Just as the Red Sox proved the critics wrong, Maine can compete and can win.

John Baldacci

#critics #just #maine #proved #red

In Massachusetts, scientists have created the first human clone. The bad thing is that in thirty years, the clone will still be depressed because the Boston Red Sox will still have not won a World Series.

Craig Kilborn

#bad thing #because #boston #clone #created

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