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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sustainable

I think we'll build a consensus for action on Social Security reform which will reduce that long-term unfunded obligation and put the system on a sustainable basis.

John W. Snow

#basis #build #consensus #i #i think

Kids are meeting in coffee shops and basements figuring out what's unsustainable in their communities. That's the future.

Ian Somerhalder

#communities #figuring #future #kids #meeting

Following the food from market to the kitchen made a huge difference. to this day, this is how I cook.

Annie Falk

#palm-beach-entertaining #roger-verge #sustainable-living #food

Achieving price stability is not only important in itself, it is also central to attaining the Federal Reserve's other mandate objectives of maximum sustainable employment and moderate long-term interest rates.

Ben Bernanke

#also #attaining #central #employment #federal

A safe and nutritionally adequate diet is a basic individual right and an essential condition for sustainable development, especially in developing countries.

Gro Harlem Brundtland

#adequate #basic #condition #countries #developing

For wide swaths of training and education there are valuable spillovers which mean that the private sector needs support from the government. That is why I have been so determined to protect and grow apprenticeships and put higher education on a sustainable footing.

Vince Cable

#determined #education #footing #government #grow

The British political system and the whole clapped out Westminster architecture, and the language that we use about politics, it's completely unsustainable. You either decide to be part of that transition to do something different. Or you cling to old certainties.

Nick Clegg

#architecture #british #certainties #cling #completely

It is not reasonable that art should win the place of honor over our great and powerful mother Nature. We have so overloaded the beauty and richness of her works by our inventions that we have quite smothered her.

Michel de Montaigne

#nature #sustainable-development #art

When I think about the world I would like to leave to my daughter and the grandchildren I hope to have, it is a world that moves away from unequal, unstable, unsustainable interdependence to integrated communities - locally, nationally and globally - that share the characteristics of all successful communities.

William J. Clinton

#away #characteristics #communities #daughter #globally

Writing and thinking is not economically sustainable.

Jaron Lanier

#sustainable #thinking #writing

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