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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #with

Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.

Abraham Lincoln

#fail #nothing #public #public sentiment #sentiment

It was very interesting for me because DNA made music without much technical knowledge at all.

Arto Lindsay

#dna #interesting #knowledge #made #me

I defy anyone - and I have said this to the Germans - to build a solid, articulated, and viable Europe without France's consent.

Pierre Laval

#articulated #build #consent #defy #europe

I am prejudiced in favor of him who, without impudence, can ask boldly. He has faith in humanity, and faith in himself. No one who is not accustomed to giving grandly can ask nobly and with boldness.

Johann Kaspar Lavater

#am #ask #boldly #boldness #faith

I think I would probably die without my eyeliner, but besides that I'm pretty basic.

Avril Lavigne

#besides #die #i #i think #pretty

It is the same with revolution; so long as the proper spirit is spreading amongst our young men, we are satisfied that it spreads without bombast or parade.

Henry Lawson

#long #men #our #parade #proper

I know it is possible to win the Tour without taking anything.

Greg LeMond

#i #know #possible #taking #tour

I think life without spirit is in the dark, it is absurd.

Ang Lee

#dark #i #i think #life #spirit

After making several tragic movies in a row, I was looking to do a comedy, and one without cynicism.

Ang Lee

#comedy #cynicism #i #looking #making

I do not conceive of any reality at all as without genuine unity.

Gottfried Leibniz

#conceive #genuine #i #i do #reality

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