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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #worrying

I've yet to be on a campus where most women weren't worrying about some aspect of combining marriage, children, and a career. I've yet to find one where many men were worrying about the same thing.

Gloria Steinem

#about #aspect #campus #career #children

Listen, if you start worrying about the people in the stands, before too long you're up in the stands with them.

Tommy Lasorda

#before #listen #long #people #stands

Our past cannot be changed, and to be preoccupied with it is inefficient in time and effort. Likewise, by fretting over the future, we only exhaust ourselves, making us less able to effectively respond when the future is actually upon us. By worrying about a mishap that may or may not take place, we’re forced to undergo the event twice—once when imagining it and once again if and when we actually experience it.

H.E. Davey

#meditation #past #present #worrying #yoga

Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.

Keith Caserta

#inspirational #irony-of-life #worry #worrying #humor

Yes, we have got to quit worrying about fighting each other and trying to figure out a way to work together.

John Breaux

#each #fighting #figure #got #other

There is no point in me worrying about what Bloomberg or Badillo will do.

David Dinkins

#me #no point #point #will #worrying

If I started worrying about how my constituents are going to react to every move I make, I wouldn't be able to do my job here. I'll do what I think is right and explain it later.

Ed Harris

#about #constituents #every #explain #going

I'm not so funny. Gilda was funny. I'm funny on camera sometimes. In life, once in a while. Once in a while. But she was funny. She spent more time worrying about being liked than anything else.

Gene Wilder

#anything #being #camera #else #funny

Free yourself from fruitlessly worrying about things you can’t control and put your energy towards the things you can. Seize the day and take effective action on things you can change.

Steve Maraboli

#change #control #let-go #worrying #change

Stop crying to the ocean, stop crying over me. Stop worrying over nothing, stop worrying over me. So it's been so long since you said, well I know what I want and what I want's right here with you.

Tegan Quin

#sainthood #sara-quin #tegan-and-sara #tegan-quin #the-ocean

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