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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #bra

Whenever I think of something but can't think of what it was I was thinking of, I can't stop thinking until I think I'm thinking of it again. I think I think too much.

Criss Jami

#challenge #clever #cognition #cognitive #cognitive-psychology

New rules. If you are smart enough to live, you won’t hit Charles’s mate in front of his father.

Patricia Briggs

#anna-cornick #bran-cornick #charles-cornick #cry-wolf #defense

The most powerful sex organ was the brain, you know what that means Poor Justin!

Sarah Strohmeyer

#humor #humor

When you take advice from a cat, there are always consequences.

Elora Bishop

#cat #elora-bishop #humor #sappho-s-fables #humor

they should let some people into the library by prescription only

Chuck Palahniuk

#library #reading #humor

Th' first thing to have in a libry is a shelf. Fr'm time to time this can be decorated with lithrachure. But th' shelf is th' main thing.

Finley Peter Dunne

#library #libry #humor

What if a pair of us head off on our own?" Nollin proposed, panting. "A small detachment might avoid detection." "It's a gamble," Ferrin said. "If the duo gets noticed, they'll be defenseless. Who'd you have in mind?" "Some key delegates," Nollin said. "Perhaps myself and Aram." Rachel shook her head. Evidently, Nollin had noticed the critical role Aram had played during the escape. Ferrin laughed openly. "Aram, you've been promoted to essential!" "I'm generally more appreciated at night," the big man grumbled. "I'm going to the table, Nollin." "Maybe we should all remain together," Nollin repented.

Brandon Mull

#brandon #humor #mull #rebellion #seeds

Not that I lack confidence in the outcome," Ferrin said, "but would you consider entrusting the piece of my neck to somebody who is not about to confront one of the most deadly beings in the world?

Brandon Mull

#brandon #humor #mull #rebellion #seeds

The thought of talking about it made Pueblo's gut ache, but then he thought of everything that Amy had been through – not that she'd told him her version yet. She had balls of steel, he thought with a smile. And what did he have? Three pairs of loin cloths going crisp on the radiator.

Dianna Hardy

#bravery #hero #heroine #humor #humour

Present company excluded, this looked to be the most pleasant detention ever experienced by mankind. Further proof that librarians should run the world-or a least be in charge of detention at Bathory High.

Heather Brewer

#librarians #humor

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