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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #cats

Then the cow asked: "What is a mirror?" "It is a hole in the wall," said the cat. "You look in it, and there you see the picture, and it is so dainty and charming and ethereal and inspiring in its unimaginable beauty that your head turns round and round, and you almost swoon with ecstasy.

Mark Twain

#self-image #vanity #beauty

October— You were sleeping so peacefully that I was loath to wake you. Duke Torquill, after demanding to know what I was doing in your apartment, has requested that I inform you of his intent to visit after ‘tending to some business at the Queen’s Court.’ I recommend wearing something clinging, as that may distract him from whatever he wishes to lecture you about this time. Hopefully, it’s your manners. You are truly endearing when you sleep. I attribute this to the exotic nature of seeing you in a state of silence. —Tybalt

Seanan McGuire

#king #toby #tybalt #business

Somebody needs to pet me, and I guess that somebody is me. My cat is busy sleeping. 

Jarod Kintz

#pet #pets #sleep #sleeping #business

Nathanial can show me how to better control the change, but even so, you never have to worry about me turning into a cat again. Didn't you know, I'm allergic to cats.

Jeaniene Frost


(Love is the puzzle that) can’t be solved. Catlike, it follows no rules but its own, and only it knows what they are. Also it can change the rules any time it wants, in any way it wants, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Chris Dee

#love #love-is #puzzle #rules #rules-of-life

Daisy didn't just change our lives, she changed our destiny.

Maryam Faresh

#cats #cesar-millan #deafblind #dogs #inspirational

I sometimes longed for someone who, like me, had not adjusted perfectly with his age, and such a person was hard to find; but I soon discovered cats, in which I could imagine a condition like mine, and books, where I found it quite often.

Julio Cortázar

#reading #age

Chloe, wake up. I really, really, really need to pee.” I moan and sink deeper into Jorge’s arms, pulling my hand back. “Chloe, wake up. I’m dying here. I have to pee.” Ugh, why won’t that voice go away? I crack my eyes open and see Ringo by the bed prancing around doing the doggy version of a potty dance. Ringo starts prancing toward the bedroom door. “Thank goodness. I’ve got to go.

Katya Armock

#dog-rescue #dogs-and-cats #paranormal-romance #psychic #shapeshifter-romance

when I am feeling low all i have to do is watch my cats and my courage returns

Charles Bukowski

#courage #pets #poem #poetry #courage

There was once a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, and lived a million lives, and in those lives, various people owned him. None of those people he cared for. This cat was not afraid of death. One life, the cat became a stray cat, which meant it was free. And it met a white female cat. They became mates, and lived together. Time passed, the white cat passed away of old age. And the tiger- striped cat cried a million times. Eventually, the cat died again. But this time, it didn't come back to life. -Spike Speigel

Keiko Nobumoto

#cat #cats #death #life #love

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