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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #differences

لو كان العقل على قدر كلام الرجل، لكان الثرثار أكبر الناس عقلاً، ولو كان العلم على قدر حفظ المسائل لكان التلميذ أوسع من أستاذه علماً، ولو كان الجاه على قدر الفضائل لما كان للأشرار نفوذ، ولو كان المال على قدر العقل لكان أغنى الناس الحكماء، وأفقر الناس السفهاء، ولو كان الخلود على قدر نفع الناس لما خلد السفاحون والطغاة وأكثر الملوك والزعماء.

مصطفى السباعي

#learning-the-truth #life #life-lessons #philosophy #wisdom

Watch other people for clues about who they are, not just clues about how much they are or are not like you.

Patti Digh

#diversity #pay-attention #life

Groups break up because they never got across what they wanted to do personally, and they have creative differences, and egos start to clash.

Kendrick Lamar

#because #break #break up #clash #creative

I was raised Jewish, my wife was raised Catholic. Though we respect each other's heritage, and while many of our friends are deeply religious, we have chosen to focus on our similarities, not our differences. We teach our children compassion, charity, honesty and the benefits of hard work.

Steven Levitan

#catholic #charity #children #chosen #compassion

A rock band is a mysterious thing. Somehow, every once in a while, a few individuals bump into one another, and they look exactly right together and share a focus and an aspiration and the right balance of musical similarities and differences.

Alan Light

#aspiration #balance #band #bump #differences

The most important thing Paris gave me was a perspective on Latin America. It taught me the differences between Latin America and Europe and among the Latin American countries themselves through the Latins I met there.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

#american #among #between #countries #differences

The people of Canada have worked hard to build a country that opens its doors to include all, regardless of their differences; a country that respects all, regardless of their differences; a country that demands equality for all, regardless of their differences.

Paul Martin

#canada #country #demands #differences #doors

Well, today the Grammys is much much better than the Oscars. I think the differences in the shows are that the Grammys are much wilder. The Oscars is much more people in the industry. And people dress wilder, I think, at the Grammys.

Steve Martin

#differences #dress #grammys #i #i think

Our differences are policies; our agreements, principles.

William McKinley

#differences #our #policies #principles

In essentials, unity; in differences, liberty; in all things, charity.

Philipp Melanchthon

#charity #differences #essentials #liberty #things

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