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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #hurts

Someday you'll find the place It's the place where love takes over hate Then you'll see all the things you do Affect everyone around you Then you'll see there's no fear at all You held my hand, we took down that wall As I looked at you with nothing to say Now I understand why you pushed me away I looked far and now I see That the only one I needed was me

Hilary Duff

#love-hurts #life

An angel for some, a demon for some, for me, it's heart of the one. Never want to hurt, keep many secrets beneath the blood. sob in the dark, but, people thinks, it's beat of the heart. No one thought, no one observe, but, it supplies tears as blood. One day someone came, took it out from dark, she kissed it, loved it, played with it, put it with her heart, and makes it her life part. Daily she played, daily she fought, But, never she threw it out. one day, an unknown came, who kissed her, loved her, and used to play with her. He took my out my heart from her, and threw it on the street, then there is nothing more than weep. An angel for some, a demon for some, for me, it's heart of the one. Never want to hurt, keep many secrets beneath the blood. Sob in the dark, but, people thinks, it's beat of the heart. No one thought, no one observe, but, it supplies tears as blood.

Abhishek Singh Sikarwar

#hurt-feelings #hurt-love #love #love-at-first-sight #love-hurts

Estou decidida a adorar-te durante toda a vida e a não ter olhos para mais ninguém. E asseguro-te que também tu farás bem em não amar mais ninguém. Poderias, acaso, contentar-te com uma paixão menos ardente do que a minha? Encontrarás, talvez, maior beleza (e, no entanto, disseste-e outrora que não me faltava beleza), mas não encontrarás jamais amor tamanho - e o resto não conta. [...] Conjuro-te a que me digas por que é que te empenhaste em me encantar como fizeste, se já sabias que me havias de abandonar? Por que é que puseste tanto empenho em me tornar infeliz? Por que não me deixaste em paz no meu convento? Tinha-te feito algum mal? [...] Atribuo toda esta desgraça à cegueira com que me abandonei a dedicar-me a ti. Pois não devia eu prever que os meus prazeres acabariam antes que acabasse o meu amor? Podia eu esperar que ficasses para sempre em Portugal e que renunciasses à tua fortuna e à tua pátria para só pensares em mim? [...] Bem claramente vejo qual seria o remédio para todos os meus males e em breve me libertaria deles se deixasse de te amar. Mas ai de mim!, que terrível remédio! Não! Antes quero sofrer ainda mais do que esquecer-te... Infeliz que sou! Dependerá isso de mim? Não posso acusar-me de ter desejado, nem que fosse só por um momento, deixar de te amar! [...] Não é para te obrigar a escreveres-me que digo todas estas coisas. Oh!, não te violentes! De ti não quero nada senão o que espontaneamente vier e recuso todos os testemunhos de amor que constrangido me desses. Comprazer-me-ia em desculpar-te, só porque talvez tu te sintas bem em não ter o incômodo de me escrever, e sinto uma profunda disposição para te perdoar todas as faltas que cometeres.

Mariana Alcoforado


People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend.

Jim Morrison

#even #fear #friend #guess #hurts

My girlfriends and I just started doing plyometrics. It's a killer - it hurts so much. But when you walk out of there, you're like, 'I can't believe I just did that and my body looks this good.'

Kelly Osbourne

#body #did #doing #girlfriends #good

Too much TV hurts movies.

Elvis Presley

#movies #much #too #too much #tv

Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed.

Carl Sandburg

#against #anger #directed #effects #goes

Their coverage on the Fox News Channel has been atrocious. The stuff that comes out of Sean Hannity's mouth has been infuriating. The stuff that Bill O'Reilly says has been illogical. You go up and down the schedule and it's insanity over there. The number of lies, perpetuated, promoted by Fox News is just shameful and it hurts everybody.

David Shuster

#been #bill #channel #comes #coverage

Who will wear a shoe that hurts him, because the shoe-maker tells him 'tis well made?

Algernon Sidney

#him #hurts #made #shoe #tells

It hurts real bad to have that protection barrier between parent and child.

Susan Smith

#barrier #between #child #hurts #parent

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