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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #involuntary

Laughter is involuntary. If it's funny you laugh.

Tom Lehrer

#involuntary #laugh #laughter #you

Desire and force between them are responsible for all our actions; desire causes our voluntary acts, force our involuntary.

Blaise Pascal

#acts #between #causes #desire #force

Concupiscence and force are the source of all our actions; concupiscence causes voluntary actions, force involuntary ones.

Blaise Pascal

#causes #force #involuntary #ones #our

Wonder is involuntary praise.

Edward Young

#praise #wonder

The theatre is the involuntary reflex of the ideas of the crowd.

Sarah Bernhardt

#ideas #involuntary #reflex #theatre

I later spent... five to eight months in hospitals in New Jersey, always on an involuntary basis, and always attempting a legal argument for release.

John Forbes Nash, Jr.

#argument #attempting #basis #eight #five

Like everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion but the creation of time and will, any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting than any romance, however passionate.

W. H. Auden

#any #creation #emotion #everything #fleeting

Use of a mentally ill person's involuntary confession is antithetical to the notion of fundamental fairness embodied in the due process clause.

William J. Brennan, Jr.

#clause #confession #due #embodied #fairness

Pursuing employment or climatic relief, we live in voluntary exile from our extended families and our longer past, but in an involuntary exile from ourselves and our own past.

John Thorn

#employment #exile #extended #families #involuntary

The involuntary character of psychiatric treatment is at odds with the spirit and ethics of medicine itself.

Kate Millett

#ethics #involuntary #itself #medicine #odds

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