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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #jew

No Jew was ever fool enough to turn Christian unless he was a clever man.

Israel Zangwill

#clever #clever man #enough #ever #fool

Link says if a girl says not to get her a birthday present that means get me a birthday present and make sure it’s jewelry.

Kami Garcia

#gift #jewelry #present #beauty

Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles

Sarah Phillips

#funny #jewelry #beauty

The tide will turn, Miss Willow." A smile lurked around his mouth, but no, that was not possible, that the earl of Tiern-Cope should smile, and at her. "It hasn't yet." "You may find the sea casts you onto the shores of paradise." His voice was low and soft, and Olivia felt her heart stir at the sound. "Or through the very gates of hell." "So it might." She gave herself a mental shake. Lord Tiern-Cope could not possibly be flirting with her. Impossible. "But that won't stop me from embracing this moment in all its beautiful perfection." "With but one flaw, Miss Willow." "Whatever could that be?" "Don't even try to tell me I don't spoil the present perfection of your moment." The corner of his lip twitched and then gave up. He smiled, and she, perverse creature that she was, felt like she'd been tossed off a cliff with him standing at the bottom to catch her.

Carolyn Jewel

#olivia #sebastian #the-spare #beauty

People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born.

- Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson.

#amazing #arabs #atomic #atomic-bomb #beautiful

You have to look at Jews like Bina Gelbfish, to explain the wide range and persistence of the race. Jews who carry their homes in an old cowhide bag, on the back of a camel, in the bubble of air at the center of their brains. Jews who land on their feet, hit the ground running, ride out the vicissitudes, and make the best of what falls to hand, from Egypt to Babylon, from Minsk Gubernya to the district of Sitka. Methodological, organised, persistent, resourceful, prepared... A mere re-drawing of borders, a change in governments, those things can never faze a Jewess with a good supply of hand wipes in her bag.

Michael Chabon

#judaism #change

His moods changed minute to minute, and Jan could change him quicker than anyone. The more he loved her the more mixed up he got. He was such a beautiful man, but so unstable.

David Ritz

#hate #instability #jewel-price #love #marvin-gaye

The valet blanched at the thought of four hours in a carriage. "I've sent for Dr. Fansher." As if that would shorten their errand. He gave McNaught an even look. "I never told you not to." McNaught lifted the curtain and peered out the window, letting in the pale light of dawn. He settled back on the seat. "At least there's decent inns in Carlisle." Frowning, he said, "I wish you'd told me, my Lord. I'd have packed a change of clothes." "We're not staying the night." "But we'll be the entire day on the road. Dr. Fansher would never approve of this." "With Andrew's horses, I expect we'll make good time." McNaught shook his head. "Worse than a cat after a mouse when you've got an idea in your head, you are." "My one virtue." "Small consolation when both man and mouse are dead." "So long as you bury us both at sea, I don't give a damn.

Carolyn Jewel

#mcnaught #sebastian #the-spare #change

Goldstone has done terrible damage to the cause of truth and justice and the rule of law. He has poisoned Jewish-Palestinian relations, undermined the courageous work of Israeli dissenters and—most unforgivably—increased the risk of another merciless IDF assault.

Norman G. Finkelstein

#dissent #gaza-war #goldstone-commission #human-rights #israel

Don't leave a piece of jewelry at his house so you can go back and get it later; he may be with his real girlfriend.

Amy Sedaris

#affairs #dating #jewelry #life #love

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