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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #park

I pay parking tickets. You know, you can try to give 50%, but then they charge you all those penalties! Seriously, I have gotten many, many, many tickets in my life.

Debra Messing

#give #gotten #i #know #life

Baseball is my escape. The sights, the sounds, the way the park smells. There is truly no place I would rather be than at a game.

Alyssa Milano

#escape #game #i #park #place

I don't own an ounce of the work I've ever done on 'Batman,' and I still work on 'Batman.' I love the character, I think it's a lot of fun, and it's kind of fun to be in that ballpark every once in a while, where you're seeing a different crowd.

Frank Miller

#batman #character #crowd #different #done

I'm glad I don't live in Primrose Hill any more. I couldn't even walk through the park. You never invite that kind of attention.

Jonny Lee Miller

#attention #even #glad #hill #i

You sparkle with larceny.

Wilson Mizner

#sparkle #you

Normal people, who can be good people but do bad things, are very interesting to me, and people that never get a parking ticket or never do a bad thing in their lives can be really dangerous.

Emily Mortimer

#bad thing #dangerous #get #good #good people

When the Korean economy was just trying to get back on its feet after the war, having parks was a luxury.

Lee Myung-bak

#back #economy #feet #get #having

The spread of civilisation may be likened to a fire; first, a feeble spark, next a flickering flame, then a mighty blaze, ever increasing in speed and power.

Nikola Tesla

#civilisation #ever #feeble #fire #first

My favorite episode of Stargate? All of them! My favorite episode of Parker Lewis? All of them!

Corin Nemec

#favorite #lewis #parker #stargate #them

I was always the last one chosen for football games in Central Park.

Merlin Olsen

#ball games #central #central park #chosen #football

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