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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pele

Why, it seemed to me I had lost the most of myself; and there was left only a brain which played with ideas, and a body that went delicately down pleasant ways. And I could not believe as my fellows believed, nor could I love them, nor could I detect anything in aught they said or did save their exceeding folly: for I had lost their cordial common faith of what use they made of half-hours and months and years... I had lost faith in the importance of my own actions, too. There was a little time of which the passing might be made endurable; beyond gaped unpredictable darkness: and that was all there was of certainty anywhere.

James Branch Cabell


The real problems are cultural. The problems of the people who take drugs as a cultural trap - I think there's a real problem there, the crack stuff, the hopelessness of the junkie. The urban angst.

Jerry Garcia

#crack #cultural #hopelessness #i #i think

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

#believe #enslaved #falsely #free #hopelessly

I think I'm much less self confident today. I actually went through a quite painful period because of that thinking that I was completely hopeless. But I think that's something that we all go through at various times of our lives and it was quite a sustained thing with me.

Hugo Weaving

#because #completely #confident #go #hopeless

The hopeless grief of those poor colored people affected me more than almost anything else.

Gideon Welles

#almost #anything #colored #else #grief

Looks like we have quite the predicament here, boys.” I smile at both of them, then eye the coffee in Breckin’s hands. “I see the Mormon brought the queen her offering of coffee. Very impressive.” I look at Holder and cock my eyebrow. “Do you wish to reveal your offering, hopeless boy, so that I may decide who shall accompany me at the classroom throne today?” Breckin looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Holder laughs and picks his backpack up off the desk. “Looks like someone’s in need of an ego-shattering text today.

Colleen Hoover

#colleen-hoover #dean-holder #funny #hopeless #sky-and-holder

I am as silent as death. Do this: Go to your bedroom. Your nice, safe, warm bedroom that is not a glass coffin behind a morgue door. Lie down on your bed not made of ice. Stick your fingers in your ears. Do you hear that? The pulse of life from your heart, the slow in-and-out from your lungs? Even when you are silent, even when you block out all noise, your body is still a cacophony of life. Mine is not. It is the silence that drives me mad. The silence that drives the nightmares to me. Because what if I am dead? How can someone without a beating heart, without breathing lungs live like I do? I must be dead. And this is my greatest fear: After 301 years, when they pull my glass coffin from this morgue, and they let my body thaw like chicken meat on the kitchen counter, I will be just like I am now. I will spend all of eternity trapped in my dead body. There is nothing beyond this. I will be locked within myself forever. And I want to scream. I want to throw open my eyes wake up and not be alone with myself anymore, but I can't. I can't.

Beth Revis

#fear #hopelessness #monologue #beauty

Sometimes I wonder what Hope feeds on? How does it survive even where its chances are minimal or none at all? Is it the positive outlook of ones nature or does it feed off desperation and that need to hold on to something that will keep you going? Is it the truth that fuels it or lies which is easier and more bearable ? How does it hold on and find root, does it camouflage the realities and sugarcoats the pain or pushes you to believe in alternate realities that are nothing but mind play? Why can't we ever give up on Hope? How does it manage to control us so much? That even the harshest realities appear with a silver lining and wrapped in rainbow coloured ribbons? Why despite all odds we still prefer to Hope, when we can accept the reality, change our course and move on? Which facts does Hope base its conclusions on, the past or the present? The good times that were? But if you have to Hope, for similar or better, then probably they don't exist anymore, then why hold on and push away the inevitable? So what does Hope really base its Hope on, the person I was or the person I am yet to become, the dreams I had or the ones I am yet to see, the desires that were fulfilled or the ones that stand in silence waiting for their turn?? I often wonder, how Hope always manages to find its way home!

Merlin Francis


I tilt my head and ask “What firsts have we already passed?” “The easy ones,” he says. “First hug, first date, first fight, first time we slept together, although I wasn’t the one sleeping. Now we barely have any left. First kiss. First time to sleep together when we’re both actually awake. First marriage. First kid. We’re done after that. Our lives will become mundane and boring and I’ll have to divorce you and marry a wife who’s twenty years younger than me so I can have a lot more firsts and you’ll be stuck raising the kids.” He bring his hand to my cheek and smile at me. “So you see, babe? I’m only doing this for your benefit. The longer I wait to kiss you, the longer it’ll be before I’m forced to leave you high and dry.

Colleen Hoover

#funny #holder #hopeless #humor #love

Mum said earlier what a lovely dress you’re wearing.” Beryl’s eyebrows wriggled like two tiny tapeworms. “This?” she said. “But I’ve had this for years.” It was a beige dress that would have looked better on an eighty year-old. Any eighty-year-old, man or woman. “I think you’ve really grown into it,” Valkyrie said. “I always thought it was a little shapeless.” Valkyrie resisted the urge to say that was what she meant.

Derek Landy

#shapeless #style #death

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