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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #phr

They won’t put me in an insane asylum because I dance very well and give money to anyone who asks.

Vaslav Nijinsky

#mental-illness #schrizophrenia #money

[L]et us talk about the unholy vice of self-esteem, the beginning and completion of the passions; and let us talk briefly, for to undertake an exhaustive discussion would be to act like someone who inquires into the weight of the winds.

Saint John Climacus

#good-phrase #religion-is-wrong #religion

In the spring of 2009, I was the 217th person ever to be diagnosed with anti-NMDA-receptor autoimmune encephalitis. Just a year later, that figure had doubled. Now the number is in the thousands. Yet Dr. Bailey, considered one of the best neurologists in the country, had never heard of it. When we live in a time when the rate of misdiagnoses has shown no improvement since the 1930s, the lesson here is that it’s important to always get a second opinion. While he may be an excellent doctor in many respects, Dr. Bailey is also, in some ways, a perfect example of what is wrong with medicine. I was just a number to him (and if he saw thirty-five patients a day, as he told me, that means I was one of a very large number). He is a by-product of a defective system that forces neurologists to spend five minutes with X number of patients a day to maintain their bottom line. It’s a bad system. Dr. Bailey is not the exception to the rule. He is the rule.

Susannah Cahalan

#diagnosis #doctor #illness #medicine #schizophrenia

You could know a man not by what his friends said about him, but by how he treated his servants.

Cassandra Clare

#paranormal #paraphrased #young-teen #teen

There are few things more mysterious than endings. I mean, for example, when did the Greek gods end, exactly? Was there a day when Zeus waved magisterially down from Olympus and Aphrodite and her lover Ares, and her crippled husband Hephaestus ) I always felt sorry for him), and all the rest got rolled up like a worn-out carpet?

Salley Vickers

#era #funny #gods #greek #irony

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.

Seth Grahame-Smith

#zombies #brain

I believe I am in Hell, therefore I am.

Arthur Rimbaud

#hell #paraphrased #perception #perception

I'm so glad you're here," Aphrodite said. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there's really only one thing to do." "Uh... and that is?" Annabeth ventured. "Why, have tea and chat, obviously

Rick Riordan

#aphrodite #the-mark-of-athena #heroes

Minds that have withered into psychosis are far more terrifying than any character of fiction.

Christian Baloga

#bipolar #character #christian-baloga #crazy #emotional

Discretion is the better part of not getting exsanguinated.

Jim Butcher

#harry-dresden #paraphrased #valor #harry-dresden

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