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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pics

Most people take long breaks after Olympics. I needed some normalcy back in my life, so I came back to the pool.

Eric Shanteau

#back #breaks #came #i #i came

I started in law school in '71 and graduated in '74. So I was training for the Olympics, running or averaging around 20 miles a day and going to law school full time.

Frank Shorter

#averaging #day #full #going #graduated

When synchronised swimming first appeared on TV, we laughed very heartily, and I, for one, applauded the decision to introduce humour into the Olympics.

Arthur Smith

#applauded #decision #first #heartily #humour

And then, looking back at my first Olympics, and when the pressure was on, in '94 and '98, and looking back and going, wow. I sensed and felt what Brian had gone through.

Elvis Stojko

#brian #felt #first #going #gone

I will try to win the Olympics gold in London.

Ryoko Tani

#i #london #olympics #try #will

I got a bronze medal and I can't complain about that, the only African-American to get a medal in the Winter Olympics.

Debi Thomas

#african-american #bronze #complain #get #got

Looking back, I'm so proud to have gone to five Olympics - I believe only three other Americans have achieved that.

Gail Devers

#back #believe #five #gone #i

I didn't think I'd be going for another Olympics.

Misty May-Treanor

#going #i #olympics #think

When you're expected to win and you have the press saying that you are going to win the Olympic gold medal, and you're the only sure thing in the Olympics, it can undermine your confidence.

Scott Hamilton

#expected #going #gold #gold medal #medal

I still can't believe I won the Olympics. That's what I feel right now - completely alive as a human being. It's a really beautiful moment.

Clara Hughes

#beautiful #being #believe #completely #feel

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