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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #platform

The Democratic party of Florida has put a temperance plank in its platform and the Republican party of every state would nail that plank in their platform if they thought it would carry the election.

Billy Sunday

#democratic #democratic party #election #every #florida

The Republicans have long had a platform of being pro-life. And I'm someone that believes life begins at conception and should be protected.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers

#being #believes #conception #had #i

My strong personal view, which I believe is shared by millions of Americans, is that our party should make a strong statement in its platform that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which should be protected.

Robert Casey

#child #fundamental #fundamental right #i #i believe

Anthropology was the science that gave her the platform from which she surveyed, scolded and beamed at the world.

Jane Howard

#anthropology #beamed #gave #her #platform

How strange, when your father's wearing women's clothes and platform shoes, that a pair of loafers looks incredible.

Moon Unit Zappa

#father #how #incredible #looks #pair

We live in the information age and the sheer volume of it being available everywhere, creates a need for information that has value. Yes, we can look anything up on Google but who has the time? Can we trust that the information comes from a trustworthy source? Your experience has given you a deep knowing of your subject matter. You have insights and ideas that others may not figure out on their own. You are holding a roadmap that has great value to someone. What has been stopping you from sharing your knowledge? Perhaps you have been afraid to put yourself out there because of a fear of rejection? Let me get straight to the point. Get over it right now! Ponder the following quote for a moment and then move on with the decision to write rather than not to write, because not to write is not “to be”. You deny yourself and your audience. You have had an incredible journey to get to where you are and have amassed experience and knowledge. Now combine that with your unique voice and be heard. You are already an expert. Accept it.

Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

#author-platform #beanding #book-power #information-overload #kytka

I do not want to be president because I am a woman. Being a woman is important, but it's not the most important. I want to be president because we have the talent and the platform and the vision of a Mexico that we want for all Mexicans, not only for a select few.

Josefina Vazquez Mota

#because #being #few #i #i am

Selling is crucial to your success because without the sale, you do not make any money. The great thing about writing a book to position yourself is that the book does a lot of the selling for you. People read the book and come to you for more answers. If you have products created to match the theme of your book, your platform (website) will do the selling for you. Automate as much of the process as you can with opt-in boxes, video sales landing pages and special offers. Make it as easy as you can for your fans and followers. Once your products are created, simply write about them, talk about them, and create articles from the content and say, “Yes” to interviews. The buzz created will point people back to your site where your automatic sales team is ready to take orders 24 hours a day.

Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

#fans #followers #opt-in-boxes #platform #selling

Our platform calls for a balanced deficit reduction plan where the wealthy pay their fair share. And when your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism.

Cory Booker

#asked #balanced #being #calls #class

The personal things should be left out of platforms at conventions. You can argue yourself blue in the face, and you're not going to change each other's minds. It's a waste of your time and my time.

Barbara Bush

#blue #change #conventions #each #face

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