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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #prophecy

The world was already a miserable place in the spring of that cursed year. The New Depression was at its height. Stocks fell, jobs were lost, and consumer consumption fell in a corporate death spiral as the aging technoczars were revealed to have feet of clay. Financial institutions underreacted, the government overreacted, and a society living on borrowed time paid for with borrowed dollars failed. Hard times and hunger came to the Western world, which was all the more of a shock because the generation that survived the last financial collapse had virtually died out.

E.E. Knight

#post-apocalypse #prophecy-in-fiction #age

And that date, too, is far off?' 'Far off; when it comes, think your end in this world is at hand!' 'How and what is the end? Look east, west, south and north.' 'In the north, where you never yet trod, towards the point whence your instincts have warned you, there a spectre will seize you. 'Tis Death! I see a ship - it is haunted - 'tis chased - it sails on. Baffled navies sail after that ship. It enters the regions of ice. It passes a sky red with meteors. Two moons stand on high, over ice-reefs. I see the ship locked between white defiles - they are ice-rocks. I see the dead strew the decks - stark and livid, green mold on their limbs. All are dead, but one man - it is you! But years, though so slowly they come, have then scathed you. There is the coming of age on your brow, and the will is relaxed in the cells of the brain. Still that will, though enfeebled, exceeds all that man knew before you, through the will you live on, gnawed with famine; and nature no longer obeys you in that death-spreading region; the sky is a sky of iron, and the air has iron clamps, and the ice-rocks wedge in the ship. Hark how it cracks and groans. Ice will imbed it as amber imbeds a straw. And a man has gone forth, living yet, from the ship and its dead; and he has clambered up the spikes of an iceberg, and the two moons gaze down on his form. That man is yourself; and terror is on you - terror; and terror has swallowed your will. And I see swarming up the steep ice-rock, grey grisly things. The bears of the north have scented their quarry - they come near you and nearer, shambling and rolling their bulk, and in that day every moment shall seem to you longer than the centuries through which you have passed. And heed this - after life, moments continued make the bliss or the hell of eternity.' 'Hush,' said the whisper; 'but the day, you assure me, is far off - very far! I go back to the almond and rose of Damascus! - sleep!' ("The House And The Brain

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

#armadegeddon #dystopia #future #prophecy #vision

She gave a little sob deep in her throat. 'Call it a prophecy, call it a prediction, call it fate - call it what you will. I fought against it hard enough, God knows. But the evidence of my own eyes, my own ears, my own senses, is too much for me. And the time's too short now. I'm afraid to take a chance. I haven't got the nerve to bluff it out, to sit pat. You don't gamble with a human life. Today's the 13th, isn't it? It's too close to the 14th; there isn't time-margin enough left now to be skeptical, to keep it to myself any longer. Day by day I've watched him cross off the date on his desk-calendar, drawing nearer to death. There are only two leaves left now, and I want help! Because on the 14th - at the exact stroke of midnight, as the 15th is beginning -' She covered her face with both arms and shook silently. 'Yes?' urged McManus. 'Yes?' 'He's become convinced - oh, and almost I have too - that at exactly midnight on the 14th he's to die. Not just die but meet his death in full vigor and health, a death rushing down to him from the stars he was born under - rushing down even before he existed at all. A death inexorable, inescapable. A death horrid and violent, inconceivable here in this part of the world where we live.' She took a deep, shuddering breath, whispered the rest of it. 'Death at the jaws of a lion.' ("Speak To Me Of Death")

Cornell Woolrich

#death #fate-destiny #inescapable #prediction #prophecy

Beware, Underlanders, time hangs by a thread. The hunters are hunted, white water runs red. The Gnawers will strike to extinguish the rest. The hope of the hopeless resides in a quest. An Overland warrior, a son of the sun, May bring us back light, he may bring us back none. But gather your neighbors and follow his call Or rats will most surely devour us all. Two over, two under, of royal descent, Two flyers, two crawlers, two spinners assent. One gnawer beside and one lost up ahead. And eight will be left when we count up the dead. The last who will die must decide where he stands. The fate of the eight is contained in his hands. So bid him take care, bid him look where he leaps, As life may be death and death life again reaps.

Suzanne Collins

#book #coolness #darkness #fantasy #fiction

... ... موسی رو به نیل کرد، خیره به همان نیل، انگار با نیل صحبت می کند، بدون آن که رو به مردم بر گرداند، مردم را مخاطب قرار داد. یا مردمان! در این باد جهل که می وزد، از شما می خواهم خدای تان را دشنام نگوئید، و بوسه بر پای نا خدایان نزنید. من شما را از این آب عبور می دهم، در حالی که دوست داشتم بدانید اگر شما جثه و اندامی چونان پرندگان از عشق داشتید، شاید چوبدست شما نیز معجزات همتی می شد بر روی این موج خروشان... وآنگاه موسی چوبدست اش را بلند کرد، رو به سوی آسمان... یا نیل، یا مادرم اینان پرنده نیستند که به نوک پنجه رقصشان از عرصه سینه تو بگذرند. بگذار اهل این خاک، از خاک بستر تو بگذرند. پس آغوش بگشا، تن دو تکه کن . در میان ظرافت دریای ات، زخمه ای جانکاه از جنس خاک زن، تا من و این مردمان جهل از دل تو بگذریم. می دانم ای عزیز، این خاطره، سالهای سال در جانت می ماند، اما بگذار بگذریم تا با مردمان به پیشواز سرزمین موعودی رویم و آنان ببینندآن دور دورها، سرزمینی است که اگر عشق رفتن به آن در دل نداشته باشند، شاید آ سرزمینی دریایی باشد که در گوشه صحرایی به چشم تشنه ای که ایمان به یافتن آب ندارد، هویت خود را از دست دهد و سرابی شود. سرابی رقصان از گرمای آتش گونه خورشید و خاک. پس تو نیز هویت خود را عوض کن تا مردمان من که اینک شان سراب است از دل تو بگذرند... و چنین شد که نیل شکافتو مردمان از آن گذشتند و موسی بعد از ایشان که نمی فهمیدند و نمی دیدند که بر چه پای می نهند، از تن مجروح مادر گذشت و در غربتی سخت، در حالی که می دانستمنت این تن مجروح بر تمام عمرش یله خواهد شد، پشت به نیلی کرد که برادر خوانده اش را در خود به خشم می بلعید، و موسی به خاطر آن مردمان که پرنده و دگر خواه و حاظر به هیچ گذشتی نبودند، نیل و گذشته اش را فدیه کرد. آری موسی گذشت. ... گذر گاه پیامبران همین است، اگر هزاران هزار نفر هم باشند، باز و باز تنهایی موسی را در کنار رود نیل باور کن و کودکانه گهواره اطمینانت را بر دستان نیلی ببخش، تا حداقل یک نفر باشد که در اعجازش خواب دریا را به خاک مردگان تبدیل نکند....آن مردمان سرزمین بندگی ، شاید اگر آنان اهل پنجه پریدن و پا زدن بر نیل بودند، امروز پرندگان پرواز از نمای نیل ها و کوه ها گذشته بودند و هزاران هزار سرزمین موعود برای فرزندان غربت و ظلم می ساختند. بماند، فقط و فقط تنهایی را برای خدا باور کنیم و ادامه دهیم که شاید از گهواره تک افتاده بر نیل موسایی دیگر بر خیزد. گذر گاه پیامبران- شارمین میمندی نژاد

شارمین میمندی نژاد

#inspirational #life #prophecy #reality #truth

You left me." Not realizing until I've said my final good-bye and closed the door behind me, that he's not referring to the past. He's prophesying our future.

Alyson Noel

#prophecy #the-immortals #moon

For half a century now, a new consciousness has been entering the human world, a new awareness that can only be called transcendent, spiritual. If you find yourself reading this book, then perhaps you already sense what is happening, already feel it inside. It begins with a heightened perception of the way our lives move forward. We notice those chance events that occur at just the right moment, and bring forth just the right individuals, to suddenly send our lives in a new and important direction. Perhaps more than any other people in any other time, we intuit higher meaning in these mysterious happenings. We know that life is really about a spiritual unfolding that is personal and enchanting an unfolding that no science or philosophy or religion has yet fully clarified. And we know something else as well: know that once we do understand what is happening, how to engage this allusive process and maximize its occurrence in our lives, human society will take a quantum leap into a whole new way of life one that realizes the best of our tradition and creates a culture that has been the goal of history all along. The following story is offered toward this new understanding. If it touches you, if it crystalizes something that you perceive in life, then pass on what you see to another for I think our new awareness of the spiritual is expanding in exactly this way, no longer through hype nor fad, but personally, through a kind of positive psychological contagion among people. All that any of us have to do is uspend our doubts and distractions just long enough... and miraculously,this reality can be our own.

James Redfield


The ultimate function of prophecy is not to tell the future, but to make it. Your successful past will block your visions of the future.

Joel A. Barker

#function #future #make #past #prophecy

Experience is the only prophecy of wise men.

Alphonse de Lamartine

#men #only #prophecy #wise #wise men

We are not against religions. This country is the cradle of prophecy and the true message and we will not contradict this.

Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud

#contradict #country #cradle #message #prophecy

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