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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #risa

Since philosophy now criticizes everything it comes across, a critique of philosophy would be nothing less than a just reprisal.

Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

#comes #criticizes #critique #everything #just

A reprisal of this magnitude... has never been carried out before. I paced back and forth in my room perplexed and completely depressed, feeling helpless.

Moshe Sharett

#been #before #carried #completely #depressed

How many kids are in the Graveyard?" "A bunch." "Who sends your supplies?" "George Washington. Or is it Abraham Lincoln? I forget." "How often do you receive new arrivals?" "About as often as you beat your wife.

Neal Shusterman

#humorous #risa-ward #sarcasm #sarcastic #snark

Sonreí y ofrecí mi mejor cara de idiota.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

#idiota #sonrisa #humor

She looked around the room, glanced over him and Micah waited. Her Gaze passed him, then again. On the third pass she lingered as she continued to watch her, allowing his gaze to memorize those features just before her eyes met his. A jolt od power flashed through him. Her ligth blue eyes flickered with interest, fear, then interest again, as though she wasn't certain which she should feel. He let his gaze continue to hers, let his mind reach out to her, soothe her, ease her. He used his eyes rather than his expression to calm the fear that he knew he would be rising within her. Micah knew the power of a look. When two people touched from across a distance, that touch could be frightening, wary, or a stroke of gentleness. He stroked her gently. He never let his eyes dip below her chin; rather, he let himself take in every nuance of expression, every shift of each facial motion, the flicker of her lashes, the shadows in her eyes, the tension in her small body. She was like a little bird ready to fly. Poised at the edge of her seat.her body stiff and prepared to run. Easy, little bird, he thought, letting his thoughts touch his gaze. There is no pain here; there is no fear.

Lora Leigh

#fear #lora-leigh #love-at-first-sight #micah #risa

I would like to carve my novel in a piece of wood. My characters—I would like to have them heavier, more three-dimensional ... My characters have a profession, have characteristics; you know their age, their family situation, and everything. But I try to make each one of those characters heavy, like a statue, and to be the brother of everybody in the world.

Georges Simenon

#inspirational #writing #age

You should not expect your dreams to become a reality if you do not do something about it.

Kindle Korner

#kindle-korner #marisa-adams #marisa-adams-author #dreams

Olofi made Oya . . . and then he realized he'd done and quickly made Oshun.

Karen E. Quinones Miller

#orisha #religion #yoruba #religion

The Holy Spirit did not go into such detail about the Pharisees in the New Testament just so we could understand a group unique to the first century. Pharisaism is a poisonous weed that grows in every garden of orthodox religion. Pharisaism is every bit the threat to the orthodox today that it was then.

J.D. Greear

#error #heresy #pharisaism #pharisees #religion

Reírse de ellos, ridiculizarlos, hacerlos sentir desamparados; sólo así podría cambiar algo. Una labor de Sísifo, sí, pero vale la pena emprenderla y, además, reduce la monotonía de la vida. Si resulta imposible humanizar esos rostros de hormigón armado que los políticos aspiran a adquirir desde su primer pinche puestecito, al menos se podría logra hacer visibles algunas craqueladuras. Los jóvenes están hasta la madre de tanta tontería, ya ni siquiera se asoman al Museo de Antropología para no ver reproducidos en la Coatlicue los hieráticos gestos de sus dirigentes. Es necesario que todo el mundo aprenda a reírse de esos monigotes ridículos y siniestros que dirigen a la nación como si por su boca se expresara la historia, no la viva, eso nunca, sino la que ellos han embalsamado. Cualquier novedad los amedrenta.

Sergio Pitol

#historia #méxico #política #risa #art

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