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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #spit

All true friendliness begins with fire and food and drink and the recognition of rain or frost. ...Each human soul has in a sense to enact for itself the gigantic humility of the Incarnation. Every man must descend into the flesh to meet mankind.

G.K. Chesterton

#friendliness #hospitality #humility #incarnation #meeting-people

When she offered me a spot of tea, I said, “No thanks, I’ve already got a spot of tea on my shirt.”

Jarod Kintz

#funny #hospitality #humor #random #random-thought

Then the long nights, that were also days, in the hospital. And the long blanks, that were also nights. Needles, and angled glass rods to suck water through. Needles, and curious enamel wedges slid under your middle. Needles, and - needles and needles and needles. Like swarms of persistent mosquitoes with unbreakable drills. The way a pincushion feels, if it could feel. Or the target of a porcupine. Or a case of not just momentary but permanently endured static electricity after you scuff across a woolen rug and then put your finger on a light switch. Even food was a needle - a jab into a vein... ("For The Rest Of Her Life")

Cornell Woolrich

#needles #recovery #surgery #food

Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.

Anne Lamott

#grudges #revenge #spite #forgiveness

She's been conned, ruined, left for dead, and she's not going to forgive any of it. She will soldier on, if only out of spite.

Lauren DeStefano

#resilience #spite #forgiveness

I lived in countries that had no democracy... so I don't find myself in the same luxury as you do. You grew up in freedom, and you can spit on freedom because you don't know what it is not to have freedom.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Spiritual yearning is the homesickness of the soul.

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

#meditation #self-help #soul #spiritual-hunger #spirituality

If you work in a hospital, you can’t easily fake call in sick to work. Oh, you’re sick? Well why don’t you come in to work and we’ll have a look at it.

Jarod Kintz

#hospital #humor #sick #funny

The ornaments of your home are the people who smile upon entering time and time again.

Maralee McKee

#guests #hospitality #hosts #manners #home

I like to write when I feel spiteful. It is like having a good sneeze." (Letter to Cynthia Asquith, November 1913)

D.H. Lawrence

#spite #writing #humor

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