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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #zombie

After playing with Rob Zombie, I was ready to go, 'OK, this is as far as I'm taking this bass-playing thing. This is the end of the road.' I was ready to kind of hang it up.

Jason Newsted

#as far as #end #far #go #hang

The main jokes in this film are about big things, love and life and zombies - we all get that.

Simon Pegg

#big #big things #film #get #jokes

I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.

Simon Pegg

#attack #bed #flat #happen #i

That's what we wanted to get across in that moment, particularly when Shaun goes to the shop when he's all hung over. He doesn't notice any of the zombies around him just because he never had before, so why should he at that point?

Simon Pegg

#any #around #because #before #get

I happen to like vampires more than zombies.

Martin Scorsese

#i #like #more #than #vampires

Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them.

Martin Scorsese

#going #just #keep #shooting #them

He grumbles incoherently, opens the window a fraction and continues to smoke away. It’s like every time Sidney Drake enters a new location he has to readjust the atmosphere, akin to one of those sci-fi shows where they oxygenate the planet, but for my dad it’s in a suffocating reverse. He replaces the clean wholesome air with a non-stop puff of toxic poison.

Tom Conrad

#apocalypse #breathe #end-of-the-world #family-saga #oxygen

Cry no tears for us, my friend.” I pry at her fingers, panicking to be released in fear that she may drag me into death with her. She croaks again, “Lend no aches to the dreams of yesterday.” From the corpse of Warren, his greyish gums smack from whatever goo has settled in his mouth, “Allow the tide sweep free the bay.” Then together they sing in zombie choir, “And home the ships sailing send.

Nathan Reese Maher

#cityspire #death #dreams #gothic #romance

You and I are victims of the same disease. We're fighting the same war, just different battles in different theatres,and it's way too late for me to hate you for anything, because we're the same damn thing. My soul, your conscience,whatever's left of me woven into whatever's left of you, all tangled up and conjoined. We're in this together,corpse.

Isaac Marion

#corpses #hate #partnership #zombies #conscience

The sound came again. There was a whistle to it, and a moan. It was almost a hiss, and it could’ve been a strangled gasp. Above all, it was quiet, and it seemed to have no source. It whispered.

Cherie Priest

#zombies #science

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