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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #alien

Verführung ist eine subtilere, schlauere Art zu herrschen, die der Frau eben.

Andrea Molesini

#italien #krieg #lieben #sterben #art

I've never actually seen a Star Trek, but I have seen an Alien movie.

Izabella Scorupco

#alien #i #movie #never #seen

Then she looked away, dismissing him as if she’d found him to be substandard. All right, then. She didn’t find him attractive. Good. In fact, he kept his head shaved to a glossy shine for just that reason. He was a man willing to do anything to discourage feminine attention. Because yeah, females could be vanity hounds and most preferred their dates to have hair. Black, blond, red, it didn’t matter, as long as the locks were thick and lustrous. And here was a news flash for little Miss Giggles: when he allowed his to grow, it was dark brown, nearly jet, with hints of gold and worthy of a fucking lion.

Gena Showalter

#dark-taste-of-rapture #gena-showalter #hector #dating

The problem with ID, of course, is that it leaves open the possibility that the intelligence behind nature may have a moral interest in us, having communicated already with humanity in the past, and might try to boss you around in your private affairs. With hypothetical advanced aliens residing at a safely distant address in the hypothetical multiverse, that is - to the relief of folks like Gribbin, Dawkins and the New Scientist - manifestly not the case.

David Klinghoffer

#aliens #dawkins #extraterrestrials #id #intelligent-design

We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment.

Michael Jackson

#destruction #healing #people #world #today

but as he plodded along a vague and almost hallucinatory pall hazed over his mind; he found himself at one point, with no notion of how it could be, a step from an almost certain fatal cliffside fall—falling humiliatingly and helplessly, he thought; on and on, with no one even to witness it. Here there existed no one to record his or anyone else's degradation, and any courage or pride which might manifest itself here at the end would go unmarked: the dead stones, the dust-stricken weeds dry and dying, perceived nothing, recollected nothing, about him or themselves.

Philip K. Dick

#death #degradation #dying #oblivion #courage

At the top of the slope on the perimeter of the site, overlooking six lanes of motorway, is a diner frequented by lorry drivers who have either just unloaded or or are waiting to pick up their cargo. Anyone nursing a disappointment with domestic life would find relief in this tiled, brightly lit cafeteria with its smells of fries and petrol, for it has the reassuring feel of a place where everyone is just passing through--and which therefore has none of the close-knit or convivial atmosphere which could cast a humiliating light on one's own alienation. It suggests itself as an ideal location for Christmas lunch for those let down by their families.

Alain de Botton

#anonymity #cafeteria #diner #disappointment #motorways

We rode the merry-go-round like a couple of lovers. We weren’t though; we were just two horse enthusiasts from two different worlds (I think she was from Mars).

Jarod Kintz

#bizarre #fun-absurd #funny #horses #humor

Dallas popped his jaw. “I do not cackle. I bitch like a he-man.

Gena Showalter

#funny #funny

I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid.

Lois Lowry

#alone #belonging #jonah #life #lois-lowry

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