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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #brando

Someone I met years ago explained to me the difference between a personality and an actor, a personality being Eddie Murphy or Roseanne Barr, and an actor being Morgan Freeman and Alfre Woodard or Marlon Brando.

Orlando Jones

#ago #being #between #brando #difference

Oh my lovely princess,"Raoden whispered. "You probably mean well, but handing these people food is the worst thing you could do to them." -Brandon Sanderson(Elantris)

Brandon Sanderson

#elantris #food #raoden #food

I'm not Jack Nicholson. I'm not Brando. But I do mumble.

Benicio Del Toro

#i #i do #jack #jack nicholson #mumble

You look tired," Rachel told Jason. "I wish I could jog and sleep at the same time." "Can't you?" Ferrin asked, joining them at the little cascade. "I always imagined that you could sleep rolling down a mountainside in a barrel." "I probably could today," Jason conceded.

Brandon Mull

#humor #mull #rebellion #seeds #sleep

I mean, the actors that I admired were Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, an actress named Barbara Harris. And Greta Garbo. They were great actors.

Robert De Niro

#admired #barbara #brando #garbo #great

It's a mystery," Vin said, narrowing her eyes and smiling. "We Mistborn are incredibly mysterious." Elend paused." Um...I'm Mistborn too, Vin. That doesn't make any sense." "We Mistborn need not make sense," Vin said." It's beneath us. Come on-the sun's already down. We need to get moving.

Brandon Sanderson

#elend #mistborn #the-hero-of-ages #vin #age

The only reason I'm in Hollywood is that I don't have the moral courage to refuse the money." —Marlon Brando

David DeBacco

#hollywood-money #marlon-brando #stanley #courage

When change comes, you can scream and try to force things to stay the same. But you'll usually end up getting trampled. However, if you can direct the changes, they can serve you Just as the Power serves us, but only after we surrender to it

Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson

#change #fantasy #robert-jordan #series #wheel-of-time

Marlon Brando said any guy can become an actor. It takes a real man to quit.

Clifton Davis

#actor #any #become #brando #guy

Rolling flat onto his back, Drake shuddered. Then he inhaled deeply. He stared up at the night sky. "We're going to win," he said, his voice calmer, less strained. "This is nothing. Keep going. They can't stop us. Jason, give Rachel the necklace. Tell her . . . tell her I'm sorry. Tell her . . . I wanted . . . to show her . . . my little valley. Tell her I tried." His voice was growing weak. Farfalee smoothed a hand over his brow. "Shhh," she whispered. "Be still, Drake. You can rest now. You did it. Rest. We'll take it from here." "Failie," he whispered, his hand twitching toward the back of his neck with little jerks. "Where's my seed?" His head tipped sideways. The breath went out of him.

Brandon Mull

#brandon #chasing #death #drake #dying

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