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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #commercialism

Our economy is based on spending billions to persuade people that happiness is buying things, and then insisting that the only way to have a viable economy is to make things for people to buy so they’ll have jobs and get enough money to buy things.

Philip Slater

#commercialism #economy #endless-circles #failed-systems #greed

In a way, what Tarantino has done with the French New Wave and with David Lynch is what Pat Boone did with rhythm and blues: He's found (ingeniously) a way to take what is ragged and distinctive and menacing about their work and homogenize it, churn it until it's smooth and cool and hygienic enough for mass consumption. Reservoir Dogs, for example, with its comically banal lunch chatter, creepily otiose code names, and intrusive soundtrack of campy pop from decades past, is a Lynch movie made commercial, i.e., fast, linear, and with what was idiosyncratically surreal now made fashionably (i.e., "hiply") surreal [...] D. Lynch is an exponentially better filmmaker than Q. Tarantino. For, unlike Tarantino, D. Lynch knows that an act of violence in an American film has, through repetition and desensitization, lost the ability to refer to anything but itself. A better way to put what I just tried to say: Quentin Tarantino is interested in watching somebody's ear getting cut off; David Lynch is interested in the ear.

David Foster Wallace

#david-foster-wallace #david-lynch #film #muzak #quentin-tarantino

When Lalit Modi came to the podium after the final of the third Indian Premier League, with minutes ticking away on his reign, he had what few administrators at presentation ceremonies can claim to have enjoyed: a captive audience. What would it be? You won't have Modi to kick around any more, a la Richard Nixon? Old BCCI vice-presidents never die, they just fade away, a la Douglas MacArthur? Not quite, although Modi, for him, flirted with rhetoric: 'Indian People's League… I have lived a dream… Humble servant of the game.' Then there was the quote from the Bhagavad Gita, which some oblivious viewers may have mistaken for another sponsor (coming soon: the Mahabharata Moment of Success). Finally there came a defiant roar: 'We should not allow this brand to be diluted and we will not.

Gideon Haigh

#commercialism #cricket #douglas-macarthur #indian-premier-league #lalit-modi

The blurring of fantasy and reality is something that the Japanese herald in their life, in their day-to-day commercialism.

Lady Gaga

#day-to-day #fantasy #japanese #life #reality

What commercialism has brought into Linux has been the incentive to make a good distribution that is easy to use and that has all the packaging issues worked out.

Linus Torvalds

#brought #commercialism #distribution #easy #good

HERO is a combination of my personal feeling and the commercialism.

Zhang Yimou

#commercialism #feeling #hero #personal #personal feeling

I'm only here on Earth to serve God. I never had a career. I don't care about commercialism. I have a ministry and I'll fight for the ministry.

Larry Norman

#care #career #commercialism #earth #fight

Fear is a problem with film music and films; people want to be conventional, and there's more commercialism today. If you are not daring in your art, you're bankrupt.

Alex North

#bankrupt #commercialism #conventional #daring #fear

Humanity has been institutionalized and we are all the products of commercial and institutional life.

Bryant McGill

#humanity #institution #life

If money’s the god people worship, I’d rather go worship the devil instead.

Jess C. Scott

#commercialism #core #core-of-the-soul #core-values #devil

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